"You couldn't have climbed," I murmured. "That's impossible. "

"Obviously not, since here I am. "

His accent pronounced, his words had gone formal in a way that made me remember English was not his first or his only language.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Did you find Josh?"

He hesitated, then sighed. "No. "

"Not a trace?"

"Blood from his nose led to his car. " He spread his hands wide.

"Never mind. Grace will take care of him tomorrow. "

"Men like that. . . They have a way of slipping out of trouble. "

"Not this time," I said.

He tilted his head, and the moon glanced off the cross tangling in his hair, nearly blinding me. "Why do you wear a crucifix in your ear?" I asked.

His lips curved. "Where should I wear one?"

"Most Catholics wear a crucifix around their neck. "

"I said we were baptized Catholic. "

"But you really aren't?"

"What else would we be?"

"Question with a question," I muttered.

"What's so wrong about answering a question with a question?"

"It makes you look guilty. "

"I wasn't aware you suspected me of anything. "

"I'm just making conversation. " What else was I supposed to do when a man climbed in my window in the middle of the night?

Actually, I knew what I was supposed to do, especially with him, but I wasn't sure I was ready to do it.

Malachi seemed to sense my unease, because he stayed near the window, even leaning against the sill, a picture of tranquility, no threat to me at all.

"We've always worn the symbols of the people who inhabit the land around us," he said.


"To avoid persecution. "

"People aren't persecuted for their religion anymore. "

He smiled at me as a father might smile at a foolish but dear child. "Do you think if your townsfolk knew we were worshipping the moon and the fire, they'd be so quick to flock to our show and give us their hard-earned money?"

Probably not. But -

"They wouldn't persecute you. "