"Put him down. "

Cartwright crooked a brow. "You're certain?"

"Yes. "

He tossed Josh over the side of the deck. Josh's shout of protest was cut short with an "oof " when he landed.

"What did you do that for?" I demanded.

"He should not be breathing the same air as you, and well you know it. "

A bellow of fury made us turn. Josh barreled up the steps. His suit was torn and muddied. He had scratches on his cheek. He was limping but still moving at quite a fast clip and headed directly for me.

"You bitch. I'll kill you for this. "

Cartwright stepped between us. Josh roared with anger again; he didn't sound quite human. He didn't look very human, either, until he pulled the gun.

"Shit," I muttered, scanning the ground for my cell phone. Not that I could get help here faster than a speeding bullet, but at least I could throw the thing at his head.

"You think that scares me?" Cartwright asked.

"It should. "

Malachi laughed and punched Josh in the nose.

Blood spurted; the gun tumbled to the plank floor as Josh slapped both hands to his face. "You broke my nose. "

"You're lucky I didn't break your neck. " Malachi grabbed him by the shirtfront and yanked him close. "Come near her again, and I'll make you wish you were dead. "

The threat should have been laughable, words straight out of a John Wayne movie, but something in Cartwright's face must have convinced Josh he wasn't kidding, because his eyes widened and his face went white.

Cartwright let him go with a disgusted shove, and Josh crumpled to the ground, eyelids fluttering. "Call the sheriff," Cartwright ordered.

"Shouldn't I call an ambulance?"

"Ach, nothin' that can be done about a broken nose. "

"I think he's unconscious," I said.

"He fainted. " Cartwright nudged Josh with his boot. "Nothing that can be done about that, either. "

I retrieved my cell phone. One glance at the display and I cursed. "Broken. " Was anything made to last these days? "I'll have to go inside. "

Cartwright nodded, bending to pick up Josh's gun.

"He could have shot you. "

The moon glanced off Cartwright's black eyes, making them glow silver at the center. "Not with the safety on he wouldn't. "

He held out the gun, using his thumb to flick the catch off, then on again.

"He still could have removed the safety and shot you quicker than you could have punched him. "

"Perhaps. "

"You're either very brave or very stupid. "

His face hardened. "Men do not hit women. If they do, they're not men; they're beasts. " Cartwright turned his face toward the moon. "This one deserved far more punishment than he got. "