"Then you'll be fired. Or at least voted out of office. "

"Don't count on it. "

"If the festival doesn't produce, or those filthy Gypsies cause trouble, you're finished. "

He lifted the camera and took another picture. " 'Mayor Kennedy giving her concession speech. '" Another. " 'Mayor Kennedy cleaning out her desk. '" Another. "'Mayor Kennedy,' make that just plain 'Claire Kennedy,' 'what will she do now?'"

"Stop taking my picture. "

He lowered the camera, fiddled with something, then hit the button again. The flash went off right in my face.

Luckily, I'd figured he was up to something and closed my eyes. I opened them just as Malachi Cartwright snatched the camera out of Balthazar's hands.

"You, sir, are a prick. "

"What's your point?" Balthazar sneered.

Cartwright opened his fingers, and the camera tumbled toward the pavement. Balthazar surged forward, but he was too big and slow to catch it. I doubted anyone could have. It smashed into the cement with a sickening crunch.

"What a shame," Cartwright murmured.

A crowd had gathered. Everyone stared. No one moved. For an instant I don't think anyone breathed.

"That was my only camera," Balthazar roared.

"You should take better care of it. "

"Me?" Balthazar's face reddened. "Me?"

He was so furious, I wondered if we'd need to call the rescue squad. He might just pop a blood vessel. One appeared to be pulsing quite close to the surface of his forehead.

The big man lunged at Cartwright, who sidestepped easily. Balthazar swung at the other man's head. Cartwright ducked.

People began to choose sides, shout encouragement. At the edge of the crowd, Sabina, sans snake, stared at Balthazar and Malachi with a tense, almost frightened expression. Poor kid.

"Don't do this," I said, but the men were past hearing me.

Balthazar had four or five inches and about a hundred pounds on Cartwright, but he wasn't quick enough. He couldn't catch the man. Sadly, that only seemed to make Balthazar madder and more determined. Sooner or later he'd land a punch, and from the size of him, one would be all it would take to do some serious damage.

I stepped forward, planning to put myself between them, and someone yanked me back.

"They'll kill you," Grace snapped.

As she finished speaking, Balthazar swiped at Cartwright, who narrowly missed getting his nose broken as he jerked his face out of the way of the flailing, ham-sized fist.

"We have to stop this. "

"You think?" Grace muttered. "Where's a fire hose when you need one?"

She strode forward, putting herself between them, just as I'd planned to do. Cartwright backed off immediately. Balthazar came forward with a roar. She drew her gun and pointed it at his chest. "Stop. "

He di

d, first staring at the gun, then lifting his gaze to her face. "Are you crazy?" he snarled.

"Are you?"

"I'll have your job for this. "