A dimly lit hall. The tiny clock in the corner of the tape read 3:23 a. m. A door opened and a man stepped out.

A completely naked man.

"That him?"

"Mmm. "

"Guess he didn't care for the hospital gown. "

Grace didn't bother to comment.

He crept toward the front entrance, cringing back when the image of a nurse moved to and fro behind the desk. He turned toward the camera, and I got a good glimpse of his face - awfully hairy, with wild, burning eyes that brought to mind a zealot or a crazy person. Because the film was black-and-white, I couldn't distinguish the color of his hair beyond lighter than black, nor the color of his eyes beyond lighter than dark.

"Not the most attractive guy in the world," I murmured.

"He had a fever, a bad one according to the nurses. He was saying all sorts of weird things. "

On the tape, Freestone caught sight of an open window. He sprinted toward it with an odd, loping shuffle, then sprang onto the sill and went through.

"We're on the second floor," I said.

"No moss on you. "

"What did you find under that window?"

"Footprints leading into the woods. "

"Usually a fever makes you weak. "

"Usually. " Grace hit the off button, then pressed rewind, waiting several seconds before choosing pause.

"Take a look. " She lifted a pile of white tape from the bed and held it out to me.

I made a face. "Do I have to?"

She quirked a brow, and I took the offering gingerly. The tape and gauze were wrinkled and torn, but there was no blood - or anything else I didn't want to see.

"I don't understand. " I handed them back to her.

"Freestone had extreme throat trauma. Defensive wounds on the hands and arms, but watch this. " She hit play.

I observed again Freestone creeping out of this room, seeing the nurse, turning back; then Grace froze the image.

He'd lifted his hands to smooth his hair out of his face. There wasn't a mark on them.

I stood and moved in closer, staring at his smooth, unmarred throat. "You're sure this is the same guy?"

"Yep. "

"What did the doctor say?"

"He didn't have a clue. Since I couldn't find the wolf, they were going to start rabies shots today. "

"Those are painful, right?"

"Better than they used to be, but I doubt treatment for rabies is anything you want to do if you don't have to. "

"You think that's why Freestone pulled a Houdini?"