I wasn't sure how old Joyce was, and I'd never had the guts to ask. I always figured she was near my dad's age, give or take.

"You aren't that old," I said.

She lifted her hands, palms out. "The pickings around here are mighty slim at any age. "

True. And for someone nearing Social Security, probably even more so. Joyce was out of luck unless she wanted to date See, Hear, or Speak No Evil. I wrinkled my nose. Forget about Have No Fun.

"How come you never married, Joyce?"

Her head came up; her eyes widened. "Me?"

"Yes, you. You obviously liked kids or you wouldn't have been a teacher. "

Joyce snorted. "Honey, in my day, you were a nurse or you were a teacher. I preferred a career choice that didn't involve blood. " She pursed her lips. "Though I have to say, being a phys ed teacher, I saw my share of it. "

"You didn't like kids?"

"I liked you. " Joyce smiled.

I smiled back. "Thanks. "

I don't know what I'd have done as a teen without Joyce. There'd been things I couldn't ask my dad. Things Grace hadn't known. But Joyce had always been available. And while she'd often mothered me when I didn't want her to, she'd also been a friend when I needed her to be, and that was something I'd always be grateful for. I wanted her to be happy.

"Wasn't there ever anyone you considered marrying?" I pressed.

Joyce stared at her desk and I knew.

"Dad. "

She shrugged. "He never saw anyone but your mom. Even after she was gone. "

"I'm sorry - "

"No. " She held up a hand. "I could have pushed it. Could have talked him into marrying me on the loneliness factor alone, but I didn't want to be second all my life. Here" - she waved a hand at the desk, the office - "I was first. He depended on me. He needed me, and no one else. "

"I feel the same way. I couldn't do this without you, Joyce. "

"Thanks, girl. That means a lot. "

"Where do you go when you. . . go?" I asked.

"The ladies' room. "

"Not that kind of go. Sheesh. I mean when you disappear sometimes. "

She faced her desk. "I don't know what you mean. Now, did you want to borrow that video? Because from where I'm sitting, you could use a little excitement in your life. "

My mind went immediately to the excitement I'd had

in my life last night, and I had to turn away so she wouldn't see me smile. "I'll be fine. "

For the first time in a long time, I actually thought I might be.

With the festival begun I was both busier and less busy than usual. Citizens didn't stop in for a chat or even make an appointment. They had too much to do. However, tourists wandered through, as if the town hall were part of a guided tour.

Many of them wanted to meet the mayor and thank me for the lovely event, then ask questions about Lake Bluff, the mountains, and the history of both.

After the fifth family had traipsed through my office, I called for Joyce. "Next year we hire someone to do tours and speechify about historical. . . " I waved my hand. "Stuff. "