"And the rest of me, as well. "

Grace's lips twitched; I didn't find any of this funny.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

"Easy enough," Grace murmured. "With the right spell and a little bit of power. "

"A lot of power," Mal corrected. "She had so much more than me. "

"Should have told her what she wanted to hear," Grace said. "Saved yourself centuries of trouble. "

"I couldn't tell her that I loved her if it wasn't the truth. "

Grace snorted. "He's definitely from a different century. "

"Where is this witch?" I asked.

"Dead. "

"Yet you're still alive. "

He dipped his head, though his eyes had gone dark and haunted.

Grace stared at him with a speculative expression. "She cursed you to immortal wandering?"

"Yes. "

"And what about your people?"

"We were a kumpa'nia. A caravan and a family. I would not leave them behind to be with her. " He glanced at me again. "Just to touch her was forbidden. But she was beautiful, and I was weak. "

"Sounds like you were human," Grace said.

Mal's lips twisted, both a grimace and a smile. "She made them jel'sutho'edrin, companion animals, bound to me. They cannot leave me, ever, and neither can I leave them. " His words and manner became more formal, more old-world, the longer he spoke of the past. "If it wouldn't have been for my own magic, I would have been completely alone, without human companionship, for eternity. "

"But you were able to change them back?"

"My magic can only hold them in human form for a few days at a time. "

"They take turns," I said.

"Yes. "

"How did they become different animals?" Grace asked. "I'd think it would be easier to curse them all to be one thing. "

"The spell gave them a choice of which animal they wanted to become. Most chose a beast they resembled in life - like Hogarth and Moses, brothers and twins. Many husbands and wives, like Molly and Jared, chose the same animal. "

"Molly is the cougar you called Mary?"

" 'Molly' is an Irish nickname for 'Mary. ' She prefers to be called the English form of her name when in her animal shape. " He shrugged. "Some do, to remind both themselves and the others that they are two natured. "

As if anyone would forget.

"Where's your horse?"

"Far away in the forest. He doesn't care to be around so many animals at once. "

"He's not cursed?"