"And the others?"

"That a pentagram is actually the mark of a werewolf. You didn't happen to see a tattoo on Cartwright's chest or his palm or any other part of his body?"

"Why are you so set on believing the werewolf is a Gypsy?"

"Our troubles started when they showed up. They travel with animals. Who's to say they don't have one more than they're admitting - one that isn't an animal all the time? The rune was found near their camp. They insisted on complete privacy on 'their land' in the days leading up to the appearance of said wolf. And that the Gypsies were in the camps where Mengele made werewolves is just too big of a coincidence to ignore. "

"Not these Gypsies. "

"Not necessarily. " Grace shrugged. "If they're werewolves, they live forever. "

"You've been thinking about this a lot. "

"It's what I do. So, any pentagram on Cartwright?"

"No. And I saw pretty much all of him. "

Grace lifted her brows. "Is he as good as he looks?"

"Better. "

"Just your luck he could be a murderous, blood-drinking beast. "

"Yeah, wouldn't that figure. But. . . " I paused, biting my lip.

"You don't think he is. "

"Doc said once humans are infected they become different. Evil. Mal's one of the kindest men I've ever known. "

"Unless he's breaking someone's nose. "

He had seemed pretty different while dealing with Josh, as well as Balthazar. But I still couldn't resolve "murderous beast" with Malachi Cartwright.

"Getting back to pentagrams," Grace continued, "they can be used to conjure good or evil. One point ascendant for good, two points up welcomes the devil. "

"If I ever see one, I'll be sure and remember that little cheat. Now, as long as we're talking about symbols, why don't you tell me how you got your hands on this one?" I tapped the rune that lay between us on the table.

"I found it in the woods last night. "

"In the dark, with all the prehistoric trees and creepy crawlies, you happened to stumble upon this little ole thing. "

Her eyes narrowed. "You say that as if you don't believe me. "

"I don't. "

"You think I stole this from you and. . . what? Turned myself into a strig de whatever?"

"It's just weird, is all. "

"What isn't lately?"

"You know you could tell me anything and it wouldn't matter," I said.

"I could tell you I'm a ravening beast under the moon? That I killed Balthazar, Josh, and tourist man, and it wouldn't matter to you?"

"Well, maybe it would matter, but I'd still love you, and I'd still be your friend. "

"But you wouldn't turn your back on me. "