Page 77 of Under Fire

“Do you want to reconsider telling me you love me? This is the T-101 antidote, and you have a lifetime with me ahead of you.”


Prospero’s chief, Jack Coburn, cleared his throat over the phone. “We’ve been suspicious about Tempest’s actions for a while, Duvall, so I’m inclined to believe your story.”

Ava came up behind Max, sitting on the edge of the hotel bed, and draped her arms around his shoulders.

He captured her hand and pressed a kiss against her palm. “Do you know who Caliban is?”

“No, but we’d like to find out.”

“I take it the CIA doesn’t know either.”

“Caliban reports to the director, just like I do, but Tempest has always been more secretive about its organization and actions.”

“Now you know why.”

“I repeat my offer for both you and Ms. Whitman. You can come in from the field and we’ll protect you.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Coburn.”

Jack Coburn interrupted him. “But you don’t trust me. I understand, but to stop Tempest we need to know more about its operations. We want to debrief you.”

“I get that, but we’ll have to do it over a secure connection and from a safe distance. We will take you up on the offer of the new identities though, and Ava will turn over the formula for the T-101 antidote.”

“That’s a deal. Be careful out there and we’ll keep you posted as we move forward with this investigation.”

“What’s next?”

“Nina Moore, Agent Skinner’s fiancée. We have reason to believe she’s being watched.”

“Whatever you do, take care of her.”

“We’re on it, Duvall. You need to disappear now.”

Max ended the call and reclined on the bed, pulling her down next to him. “We’re done with Tempest—for now. We’ll let Prospero handle them. You know, I think that’s what Caliban wanted all along—some kind of face-off between Tempest and Prospero.”

“Well, it looks like he’s going to get his wish.” She waved a hand around the hotel room. “Do we need to disappear any more than this?”

“Prospero will send us a couple of new identities. We can go even further underground.”

She caressed his strong face, which had lost its hardness since he’d taken the antidote. “Can underground include a tropical paradise somewhere?”

“Absolutely.” He kissed her mouth. “But we’re not joining your brother and Dina in Hawaii, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Hawaii?” She snapped her fingers. “We can go more exotic than Hawaii, can’t we?”

“We can go wherever you want, Dr. Whitman.”

She slipped her hand beneath his T-shirt and swirled her fingernails over his hard belly. “Now that you have your life back, are you sure you want to spend it with me?”

“If you can handle a cyborg for the rest of your life.”

“Cyborg?” She snuggled next to his side and rested her head against his chest. “You’re all man, Max Duvall, and you’re all mine—forever.”

* * ***