Page 62 of Under Fire

And then the guilt and the fear and the desperation all dissipated like feathers in a strong gust of wind as Max thrust into her. She closed around his thick girth as if he was a part of her.

He was a part of her. Whatever happened to him, to them, he’d always exist deep in her pores.

Each time he pulled out, even though it was for a nanosecond, she ached for his return. He plowed into her, over and over, as if he couldn’t get enough, couldn’t get close enough.

Her sensitive flesh, still tingling from her orgasm, responded to the close contact of Max’s body, the tension building in her muscles again. She clawed at his buttocks, wanting more of him, needing more of him.

When he paused to capture her lips with his own, she shattered beneath him, her orgasm sending rivers of tingles throughout her body. She thrust her hips forward to engulf him and the motion acted like a trigger.

His frame stiffened as he plunged deep into her core. Then he howled like a wild, untamed beast and she trembled beneath him.

His release racked his body until sweat dripped from the ends of his hair, and his legs, still straddling her, trembled. He held himself above her, wedging his arms on either side of her shoulders. Then he lowered himself and kissed her mouth.

He growled. “I could do that all over again.”

She dabbed her tongue against his salty shoulder. “Is that the T-101 talking?”

Grinning, he pulled out and rolled to her side. “Is that why you instructed your brother to fail on the lab?”

“Max.” She drew her brows over her nose, and he tweaked it.

“I’m just kidding. You have to excuse my sense of humor. It’s been AWOL for a few years.” He smoothed the back of his hand across her cheek. “Let’s just enjoy the time we have left.”

Blinking back the sudden tears that flooded her eyes, she shifted to her side and smoothed her hand along the hard line of his hip. “I can do that.”

“Glad to hear it.” He rolled onto his back and pulled her close, molding her against his side. “You think we can find that reality dating show again?”

She twisted around and felt for the remote control on the bedside table. “Not sure about that show, but I’m sure we can find something that has more drama than our lives.”

She aimed the remote at the TV and clicked the power button.

The hotel phone on the nightstand jangled and the hand Max had been circling on her belly froze.

They both stared at the phone as it rang again.

Ava swallowed. “I-it could just be housekeeping.”

“Don’t answer it.”

They watched the phone ring three more times, Ava holding her breath until it stopped.

Max’s entire demeanor had shifted from the passionate, considerate lover to the wound-up spy on the run, his jaw tight and his fists curled. She wanted to smash the phone with her own fist.

“Maybe we should call the front desk and see if it was housekeeping.”

Max leveled a finger at the phone. “Whoever it was left a message.”

She jerked her head to the side and eyed the blinking red light on the phone with trepidation. “That’s good. Maybe they just want to drop off towels.”

Max sat up and reached across her. He pulled the phone onto the bed. He punched the message and the speaker buttons in succession.

The automated voice droned. “You have one new message. To listen, press two.”

He punched the two button. A rasping breath burst over the line, followed by a man’s harsh voice. “Max, it’s Adrian Bessler. I’m a Tempest agent and I need help.”

Chapter Fifteen

Max put his finger to his lips as Ava started talking, her voice rising with each word.

The agent—Bessler—coughed and cleared his throat. “This isn’t a trap, I swear. I know what happened to Skinner. I know what’s happening to you. It’s happening to me, too. We can help each other. I’ll tell you more, but you have to meet me. I’m afraid to talk on this phone. I’ll keep it for a while longer to wait for your call, and then I’m throwing it away. Hurry.” He recited his phone number and then the message ended.

Max stared at the phone in his hands. “It’s too convenient.”

“I know Adrian Bessler, Max, and he didn’t show up on the agent-locator program. I never thought to count those red dots on the map to verify if all the agents were accounted for, but I know Bessler’s name wasn’t among them.”