Page 7 of Model Prisoner

“Do it,” she says, and I surge forward. She whimpers but there are no tears, so I start pounding in and out of her.

It’s going to be a long fucking day.


Chapter Five


Oh. My. God. I feel like my skin and my core are on fire, but in the best possible way. Over and over, he thrusts into me, his oak desk creaking and groaning underneath our weight.

I am so close coming, but it feels so much more intense than when I used to finger myself for some relief. Is the wall behind him bluer? Are colors sharper when you finally have sex? I have so many questions but forget them all. As soon as I come, I start rearing up again. He is showing no sign of stopping. The fact that he’s never done this before makes me deliciously happy. I don’t know why I believe that, but I do. I also know without a shadow of a doubt that he’s not wearing a condom and I could get pregnant. Fuck, I hope I do. I knew on day one that I could love this man and now I know that I did. Crazy as it seems, I am totally in love with a man I have known for a day and a half.

Suddenly, he pulls out of me and flips me onto my stomach and slams back into me.

“It should be illegal, taking me like this,” I moan.

“It’ probably is,” He groans.

But even that fact won’t stop the merciless pace at which he slams into me from behind.

God, I could get used to this.

Afterwards, he tells me that he has someone looking into my case. I don’t get a chance to say much, because it’s five and I have to report to the mess before returning to my cell. My thighs hurt from the sheer amount of sex we had in such a short amount of time. He kisses me softly.

“I love you,” I blurt out, surprising both of us.

“I love you too,” he says with hardly a hesitation.

I float to dinner and back to my cell thinking about how different my life will be once I get the hell out of here.

Nine Weeks Later

I should have known I was pregnant weeks ago when I never got my period, but I am so utterly happy, even though I am in prison, that everything but him and I slipped my mind. I haven’t said anything yet, but I will when I know for sure. Nurse Hannah will help me, I know she will. I am going through old filing cabinets when there is a knock at his door.

“Come in,” Earl calls from behind his desk. The desk we had sex on not twenty minutes ago.

“Hey man,” a tall, clean-cut says coming into the room. He pauses when he sees me and holds out his hand for me to shake, which I do. “I’m Kyle, Silver Falls DA, you must be Victoria.”

“I am. It’s nice to meet you. Should I wait in the hallway, give you guys some privacy?”

“Not at all, this involves you.” I frown for a second but then realize this must be who Earl had looking at my case. Other than a few updates after the initial mentioning of it, I hadn’t heard anything and didn’t want to get my hopes up.

“What’s up Kyle?” Earl asks, sitting up straighter in his chair.

“I found some things.”

“What kind of things?” Earls asks, looking interested.

“Some doozies.”

“What kind of doozies?” Earl asks, chuckling, and I lose it.

“For Christ’s sake, just tell us.” I scream a little.

“Of course,” Kyle says after a quick throat clear that was definitely covering a laugh.

“Jacob Porter is about to be disbarred in Georgia.”

“I had no idea you made any moves.”

“I had to. I got Hilson Higgins, I knew him law school, to take your case. He found a number of things and sued the State of Georgia, but that just opened a bigger can of worms that we expected.”

“What does all this mean?”

“You’re getting out of here,” Kyle states simple.


Then he explains everything to me like one would explain something to a five-year-old, and I smile.

My warden got me out of prison. Good behavior goes a long way.

Another Four Months After That

Kyle married us right there in Earl’s office ten minutes before my record was stricken and I was released from Santa Rosita. Things happened pretty quickly after that, but everything and I do mean everything worked out as it should. Sitting in the passenger seat of Earl’s truck, I rubbed my just popped out baby bump thinking how strange life is. I never thought I’d have to go to prison to meet the love of my life, but it just goes to show that you never know what can happen in life and in love. Being in love is the easiest damn thing I’ve ever done, and I wouldn’t change how I got here for a thing.