“Nice to meet you, sir,” I say, though “sir” might be a bit of stretch. He hardly looks any older than I am.

“Rudy is fine,” he says gruffly but doesn’t say anything else.

Finally, Jodi bounces down the stairs and all the air in my body leaves my lungs in a whoosh. I can’t stop staring at her. She’s got on a short black dress and bright purple high heels.

“Dude,” Howie says.

“What?” Jodi asks, smoothing her dress. “Is something wrong with my dress?”

“No, you look different is all.”

“Good different or bad different?”


“You look beautiful,” I say, and her eyes light up. The scrap of fabric that could be called a dress accentuates her bodacious curves. From the last step, she jumps into my arms, putting her arms around my neck. I have no choice but to catch her. She kisses me soundly.

“Ugh. You’ve ruined it, Jodi. Get a room,” Howie says going back over to the TV. I chuckle and put her back on her feet.

“Don’t be a wastoid your whole life, Howard,” Jodi says making me laugh again. I watch as the kid flips her off and even their parents laugh at that one.

“Let’s go, Paul,” she says taking my hand.

“Have a good, safe time,” Flora says as we walk out the door.

“Sorry about that,” she says as we walk hand in hand down the walkway.

“Don’t worry about it. It was nice actually. I don’t have any family anymore. I’ve missed it.”

“Oh God, what happened, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asks as I open the car door.

“My parents passed away a few years ago. It’s just me now.”

“I am so sorry,” she says kissing me lightly on the lips.

I don’t deserve her, but I am going to do everything in my power to earn her.

In the car, we talk about any and everything. The radio is on low, but she drops my hand to reach over and turn it up when I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner comes on.

“I love this song,” she says, taking my hand again.

“Me too,” I reply honestly. “I just bought the record,” I tell her.

“Really? You can listen to it when you want to then,” she says excitedly.

“Sure can.”

“Where are we going?” she asks after the song is over.

“The Laugh Shack,” I reply.

“I’ve never been there,” she says, bouncing in her chair.

“Ellen DeGeneres is performing.”

“Oh my God, I love her. I’ve seen her on Showtime.”

“We’re going to have a good time tonight.”

“I know,” she says squeezing my hand.

Indeed we are. I just don’t know if I can wait until we get home before I touch her again. She looks so enticing right now. A bit like Rebecca De Mornay in Risky Business, but less prostitute-like and infinitely more beautiful. I’m never going to make it.


Inside the club, we are seated in a dark corner. The waitress takes our order, and we are left alone. The silence between us is comfortable, not awkward, thankfully. I feel like my body is on fire right now. He’s sitting so close to me in his Don Johnson suit. He’s so handsome. I am like the luckiest girl in the whole world. He goes to touch my hair and for the first time ever I wish to God that I didn’t use a whole can of Aqua Net to get my hair looking so high and mighty, but he doesn’t seem to notice the stiff quality to it. He comes closer to me, his lips right on my ear. His hand sneaking up my thigh.

“Spread your legs, sugar,” he demands, and I do so without hesitation. “Mmm, no panties.” His fingers on my clit have me on edge. My pussy is swollen with need and only he can fix it. His quiet growl goes all through me. I shiver.

“I didn’t want you to steal them again, so I decided not to wear them,” I say as sassily as I can manage while not being able to breathe properly.

“You’re a bad girl, Jodi.”

“Only when I am around you.”

Suddenly, he dips two fingers into my pussy and pushes them in and out. I take a look around but no one’s looking at us.

“Do you think I’d let anyone see you like this, Jodi? Your pleasure is mine and it’s yours. No one else will ever see you like this. Do you understand? I nod my head. “Words, sugar.”

“I understand.”

“Good girl. Now come on my fingers, so I can taste you. Get just enough of you to last until we get home.” His words are dirty and thrilling. I reach over and touch his dick through his pants, but he pushes me away. “This is just for you. I’ll get mine when we get home.” I nod again and am startled when the waitress drops our drinks off and walks away without really looking at us.