“I’m ok. Listen, the girls are asking to come over and see their cousins. I figure we could call Rosy and Penny and all converge at your place.”

“Sounds great. See you here.”

As always, rounding my rambunctious girls up is a workout. We finally get out of the house and to Hamm and Ava’s. I exhale a hefty breath as soon we hit the house and the girls run off to join the rest of the kids.

“Oh, my goodness. Kennedy how are you feeling? Were you hurt?” Rosy asks me as we embrace.

“No. Me and the babies are okay. Just rattled.”

“I bet. How pissed was Sterling?”

“Girl, you have no idea. He is beyond pissed. Hell, I am lucky I was able to make it here without him knowing. I think me and the girls are going to be prisoners.” I chuckle thinking about my sexy, angry husband.

“Yeah, Max is like an angry bear right now. The only reason he let me, and the kids come here is because his mom and dad are across the way.” Hearing the doorbell, we all turn and see Migan and her kids walk in.

“Hey sweetie. Torran let you out of the house?”

“Barely. The kids and I are not allowed… notice I say allowed…damn Jorgensen men,” she grumbles. “Anyway, I am not allowed to go anywhere unescorted and not allowed to be alone. If I weren't so confused about what the hell is going on, I would be pissed.”

“Girl, I know what you mean. Jace is losing his shit too. Though I secretly love it when he goes all demanding and stuff.” Penny laughs as do I because it is true. I like it too. As scared as I am, I can’t imagine how Migan is feeling. Someone is either trying to sabotage her, scare her, hurt her, or all of the above. I am about to ask the girls what we should do with the kids when I see Migan heading out of the backdoor. Walking over to her I follow.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I am going to the design shed. I need to work. Sitting idle is not good for me. I have to work.”

“I get it. I just don’t think it is a good idea for you to go there by yourself.”

“It's fine. The Crawford's are just across the field.” I don’t like this.

“Migan, I don’t like this. I am going to go with you. Hold on. Let me tell the girls.” I walk back in and tell the others where we are going. They express the same concern as me, but I refuse to let her go alone and I know how she is. Stubborn.

Walking across the field, we chit chat, discuss motherhood and anything else to not think about everything that is happening. Opening the door, we both move slowly, checking for anything that may be changed or different, but everything looks ok. Since she is jumping on the computer, I decide to go ahead and start inventory on what we have to see, what we need, and what orders we have yet to replace. I am barely five minutes in when I hear her shout.

“Migan! What’s wrong?” I ask shuffling over to her side.

“It’s gone, Kennedy. It’s all gone!” she screams, sobbing. I look around trying to figure out what she is talking about, but I don’t see it.

“What’s gone?”

“Everything. They have wiped my computer. All of my customer files, orders, designs everything. Someone hacked my laptop and wiped it. Why, Kennedy? Why would someone do this to me?” She is crying so hard my heart hurts. I try to console her while berating myself for not bringing my phone. I find myself crying with her. Overwhelmed by everything. I am about to suggest we go back when she falls to the floor, clutching her stomach and screaming. “Oh God. The baby. The baby.”

“Migan hold on.” I tell her to grab her phone to call 911. How much more can we all take?

Chapter 5


We are all sitting in disbelief at Hamm and Ava’s, pretty much just staring at each other. No one is talking, but I can hear the kids playing in the playroom. Kennedy is silently crying and there is nothing I can do to comfort her. Migan had her baby, at only seven months. Her doctor said it was due to the stress of everything that’s been happening the last two months. The new baby will be in the NICU for a while, but Migan is doing as well as can be expected at this time. Torran, on the other hand, is a fucking wreck and I don’t blame him one bit. As my wife and two of my sisters-in-law are pregnant, we’re all thinking but no one is saying it. This could happen to any one of them and there would be nothing we could do about it. I vow to ramp up security, stop working, whatever it takes to keep Kennedy safe. If she thought I was crazy about her safety before, I'll be a certifiable psycho about it now.