Stretching my arms above my head, I lean up looking at the clock, realizing this is the first day I have slept in past ten in the morning. Interesting. Throwing on one of his old shirts, I walk downstairs and stop at the doorway. It is as quiet as a desert. Looking through all the rooms, my head spins a bit. Wow. I am really here alone. I am just passing by the counter when I see a rose and a note.

My love,

I am sorry for being the overbearing asshole that loves you more than life. That day just knocked me on my ass. We all have been living in this bubble of safety and love and then someone came and cracked it. I freaked. I need you and my children safe and with me. However, I know it is not right and I am sorry. So, I have the kids and we are hanging out today to give you a ‘mommy day’. Enjoy it! Be safe! Let me know where you are. I love you.


My husband. If I weren't so heavily pregnant right now, I would jump and down. I love being a mom more than I could ever express. It fulfills me in a way nothing ever could. That said, I never get time to myself. Between Sterling's job, my job, and family, there is always something going on and my kids are right there. So, this… this is like winning the lottery. Not sure what to do, I waddle upstairs and look around completely lost. Deciding to take a shower, I get out my buff puff, razor, and water massager and spend an obscene amount of time pampering myself and that is when it comes to me. Drying off and putting on some clothes, I grab my cell.

“Hello,” Penny answers, always cheerful.

“Hey, girl. Guess who has a day to herself.”

“Lucky. I would kill for some time to myself,” she sighs, and then the phone muffles. I wait for a second and she comes back on the line.

“Well, this girl just got some time too. Hey, why don't we get the girls together and meet at your place then go downtown to the nail salon.”

“Excellent idea. See you ladies in a bit. Oh, and call Migan.”

“I was just thinking that.” she hangs up.

By the time I fix and eat breakfast, my backdoor opens. “Hey ladies. Whose ride should we pile into?” We all look at one another and giggle. Considering we are all sporting big bellies, we should probably take two trucks.

“Alright chicas, I called and got us all hair appointments after we go and get our nails done,” Rosy says, her voice filled with more happiness than I have heard from her in a while. I quirk my eyebrow at her, asking what is going on, but then I see the shadows and I know this is just her way of trying to cover the sadness.

“Sounds great. Let’s go.” Silver and Hamm have the biggest cars, so we split up, get in, and drive the thirty minutes to St. Paul. The nail salon is a hoot. The girl in there kept trying to convince Ava to get waxed down below and I swear she turned about fifty shades of red. Rosy and I couldn’t help but crack up. As flaming as she and Hamm are, that girl is still so shy and innocent sometimes.

I find myself smiling as I listen to the banter from the girls. It never ceases to amaze me this amazing family I have. Who knew that one trip to see my grandfather would end with me finding not only the love of my life but one real sister and two others?

“Kennedy, are you listening to anything we just said?” Penny asks.

“I’m sorry. What’s up?”

“Well, we were thinking we could all get together tonight and have dinner with Migan and Torran.” I see Migan nodding her head.

“I am not sure if Silver and I have plans but I will ask him when I get home.” After finishing up at the nail shop, we all walk out and begin walking the half block to the salon. We are so engrossed in conversation and laughing and planning that we don’t see the SUV as it barrels toward Migan until it is almost too late. I see it seconds before it hits her. Pulling her back from the curb, as it tries to jump the sidewalk, we all scream and watch in horror as it narrowly misses me and Migan. We both fall, as everyone around us screams and shouts, calling for help and trying to make sure we are ok.

My mind is racing as the degree of what just happened hits me. I feel the shaking in my body as the adrenaline begins to seep in. I hear all of the commotion, but right now I can't respond to it. My hands won’t leave my belly, the realization that something could have happened to the two little lives inside of me.