That was another thing about Zyah he loved. She wasn’t in the least bit inhibited or embarrassed when it came to her sexuality. Watching her gave him tremendous pleasure. She always seemed to live in the moment, just enjoying whatever was given to her.

“I want to talk about what happened, baby,” he said, moving his own body so that the jets could play over his groin, bathing his cock in the sensation of hundreds of tongues.

Zyah’s lashes lifted for a moment, her gaze moving over him and then dropping to watch his hand as he casually fisted his cock beneath the water. “I’m listening, although I have to say, I had no idea hot tubs could be so sinfully distracting.”

Player chose his words very carefully. “You gave me the greatest gift today that a woman could give a man like me. I’ll treasure it, Zyah, and never forget it.”

The bubbles from the jets fizzed around his body, reminding him of the way her tongue had stroked over his skin. He did his best to shove down the memory and keep his cock under control, but there was so much steel in it he couldn’t help a lazy slide of his hand as the bubbles gave the sensation of her mouth devouring him.

“The thing is, that was too dangerous to repeat. I was too rough with you. I didn’t know what I was doing half the time. What you were doing felt so good, baby, and I was too far gone. I could have really hurt you. I’m not willing to take a chance like that with you.”

Zyah’s dark eyes moved over him. “You knew what you were doing. And I knew what I was doing. When I needed to stop for a minute, you stopped.”

He had. True. But it could have gone either way. “I hesitated. You have no idea how close it was. I didn’t want to stop. I knew you could take more. I knew you could hold your breath longer. I even reminded you. I remember that much. I was that far gone, Zyah, and that should tell you something right there.”

He hadn’t wanted to stop. Just talking about that moment where her mouth, her throat, had constricted his cock to the point of paradise and her eyes, all liquid for him, had looked up at him sent fire crashing through his body all over again. His cock jerked and pulsed with the memory.

“It tells me that you stopped and checked to make certain I was all right. You offered to stop. It wasn’t just you, Player, it was me. I was feeding your emotions just as you were feeding mine. I wanted what happened. I took us there. I don’t want you to feel guilty about it.”

“You have a sore throat. Your voice is husky.”

Zyah didn’t deny it. “And hopefully, tonight, when we get really crazy in bed, I’ll be deliciously sore other places as well.”

Player lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers. She had to see him. Hear him. Understand what he was saying. “I’m not like that, Zyah. I’m not that man. I’m not a selfish bastard who takes his own pleasure and doesn’t give a damn about his woman. In that moment I was thinking about myself, how I was feeling, my body, not you or your pleasure.”

“No, Player, you weren’t. You were very cognizant of me the entire time. More than I wanted you to be. That just proved to me more than ever that we were meant for each other.” Zyah sound very complacent, even a little amused. “You were supposed to be wholly consumed with your own pleasure, that was the point, but you definitely were worried about me, and you liked how I looked all laid out in front of you.”

That much was true. She’d looked so sinfully sexy laid out like an erotic offering. He’d never seen anything so sexy as her lips stretched so wide around his cock, or the way it had appeared like a monster in her throat. He had wrapped his palm around her throat to feel the way he invaded, the way she took him. Just the reminder had flames rushing through his veins.

“It’s going to be one of those days, baby. I’m going to need you to stand up and bend over the side of the tub for me.”

She raised an eyebrow as he rose. “Now?” Deliberately she didn’t move as he took the two steps to get to her.

“Right now.” He reached for the mass of hair on top of her head.

Laughing, she rose from the water so it poured off of her. He caught her up, spun her around and pressed her body so it draped over the marble railing. Her breasts hung over the sides, dripping. His foot pushed her legs wider while his hand ensured she was slick and ready for him. She was. Hot. She pressed back with her bottom to entice him.