He felt her tongue curl around his cock. Gently. Her hips moved restlessly. Her fingers slid down to her pussy and curled inside again.

“Don’t, baby. Wait for me to take care of you. Just give me a minute.” He could barely stand, let alone get to the other side of the bed. And she needed water for her throat. He hadn’t been gentle. He was still dizzy, unable to process what she’d done for him.

Zyah smiled, right around his cock. She shook her head. “Uh-uh.” The vibration went right through his cock. This was my gift to you. When you can find your strength, go to the hot tub. I’ll follow in a few minutes. You’re not taking this away from me. We have all night to make love together.

“Then I’m going to watch.”

Her eyes smiled at him. Her tongue leisurely bathed his cock while her fingers moved in her pussy and her hips rose and fell. Her tits swayed, drawing his attention. She was so incredibly sexy. Then his cock was free and her mouth was open and she made a soft little sound as a soft flush rushed over her body. His woman. Sexy as hell.

He managed to find his legs and get her a bottle of water. By the time he returned to the bed, she was sitting on the edge. He sat down next to her. Close. She drank the water slowly.

“Why did you do that for me? I feel as if that was very selfish on my part. And I was rough with you. Too rough.”

She put her hand on his jaw so gently it turned his heart over. I could have stopped you at any time. You needed it. You needed to be taken far away from where you were. And you needed to know that someone loves you that much, Player. I love you. I want to give you things no one else will give you without expecting anything back. It’s my right to do that.

He could barely breathe with his love for her. He hadn’t known he was capable of emotion so overwhelming, so deep, that just looking at her could hurt. He looked at her for the longest time, unable to speak.

Honey, go to the hot tub. I’ll be right there.

She tipped more water down her throat, and he looked away from her, worried she would see too much. The burning behind his eyes was unfamiliar. The lump in his throat. The way his heart hurt so fucking bad he didn’t know if he could stand up without having a heart attack.

“Yeah. I’ll get us some towels and lay them out for us. I keep towels for the pool and hot tub in the closet by the door.” His voice didn’t sound like his own. He managed to get to his feet and take a couple of steps from her, but he couldn’t just walk away. He turned back to look at her. He just stood there like an idiot, his heart beating too fast.

“I don’t know what I would have done if you had walked away from me, Zyah. I know I never would have loved any other woman. I’ve never looked at another woman. Or wanted another woman. There’s only been you. That’s the fucking truth. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. Not physically and not emotionally. If I do, by some stupid mistake, please give me the chance to make up for it. Tell me straight up what I’ve done and let me fix it. Losing you would be like . . .” He trailed off, shaking his head. What could he say?

He turned and walked away from her before he made more of a fool out of himself. Why hadn’t he taken more care with her? He rubbed at the shadow on his jaw. He’d never been like that before, so out of control. His mind turned the puzzle over and over. One moment he’d been upset, and the next all he’d been thinking about was sex. Not just sex. Wild, uninhibited, mindless, selfish, crazy sex.

He padded through the house to the opposite end, where the indoor heated saltwater swimming pool and hot tub were located. Just the brush of her mind against his set his nerve endings on fire. He unlocked the door to the spa room using his fingerprint and stepped inside.

Soft laughter flooded his mind. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

He felt that small stroke of her mind against his throughout his body, so much so that even though his cock was so thoroughly sated, it still stirred. He felt a spark of electricity dance along his thighs, travel up his balls to his groin and spread heat.

He realized Zyah had subtly fed his craving for her, weaving her fantasy for him. Then she’d driven his desire higher and higher. She had skillfully blended their lust together until the combined woven hunger raged into a dark, out-of-control, erotic raging fire.