He raised his gun. Francine turned and ran. Zyah yelled at her to drop to the ground. Three shots rang out simultaneously. The fog swirled thicker than ever. There was a thin wail that choked off midcry. Jackson was a marksman, and Lester had gone down immediately. He’d been hit by Jackson’s rifle as well as Lana’s and Preacher’s.

The men on either side of the women tried to use them as shields, pulling weapons and firing into the night, one dragging at Zyah’s arm to thrust her in front of him. Another clawed at Alena. Player ignored every command by Jackson, first sprinting and then somersaulting, coming up under the man holding on to Zyah, hitting him with both feet in the jaw, snapping his head back so hard, there was an audible crack.

Jackson swore and took the shot, taking out the man trying to pull Alena in front of him. Alena seemed to stagger backward, right into the man’s partner, and both went down in a wild melee of arms and legs. The fog swallowed them so that it was impossible for the sharpshooters to cover them.

“Stupid little bitch. You messed with the wrong man.”

“Stupid little bastard. You messed with the wrong woman.” Alena had come down under him, but her legs were wrapped loosely around his neck. She tightened them and rolled, snapping his neck easily. “Idiot,” she hissed. “I don’t have time to play around. I’ve got a restaurant to run.”

She came out of the fog, staggering for Jackson’s sake, took two more steps and then sank down, pressing a hand to her head where she’d let the nasty little worm kick her. She’d have a knot, but they had to look like they’d taken a beating, right? Jonas was too suspicious of them most of the time. She kept her hand pressed to her head, but looked toward the fog where Player was “fighting” with his opponent.

Twice the two men rolled out of the fog bank, struggling for the gun, just long enough so Jackson could see the furious battle. Zyah crawled toward Alena, helping her to her feet. She looked as if she was torn between helping Player, trying to go toward the bluffs to find Francine or helping Alena to the car. Reaper and Savage came up on either side of her, pointed toward the car and then started toward the bluff, disappearing into the fog.

Player was thankful it wasn’t his job to make certain Francine had gone over the edge on her own. He just had to make it look good for Jackson before this last man was dispatched. Twice the man had tried to give up. The gun was in his hand, but Player controlled it completely. He was too strong, too powerful.

Each time Player took his assailant out of the fog bank, he gave Jackson a clearer shot, but he needed to make certain Jackson took that shot. He wasn’t taking chances on anything else. Lana and Preacher were his backup. He was putting his life on the line to make certain this last man went down. He was also banking on the robber’s instincts. He would have the gun at last and Player in his sights. Instincts should make him raise it even if he didn’t pull the trigger. Player would dive to the ground, but that didn’t ensure he wouldn’t take a hit. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be a head shot.

They rolled out of the fog together, came apart, Player “losing” his grip on the gun as they came to their feet. He dove into the fog as the robber lifted the gun. Again, shots rang out. Storm sent a gust of wind between the robber and Player as the gun lifted. The thief went down.

Zyah turned back from the car, screaming his name, running toward them until Keys and Maestro intervened, blocking her path.

“You alive, Player? You better call out if you are. Your woman is a little anxious. And Jonas needs your statement,” Czar said. “He’s a bit edgy right now.”

“Fucking asshole nearly shot me,” Player groused. I’m fine, baby. Stay there with Alena. We’ll go get your grandmother. She can’t stay in the house. It’s a crime scene. We’ll arrange for her to stay with Lizz. I think Lizz is going to need her right now. Reaper and Savage told Czar Francine fell over the bluffs. He was grateful he could tell her the truth. They really did think she had fallen. She’d been backing up and, in the fog, perhaps hadn’t seen how close she was. She’d been crying as well.

I think she threw herself over the edge, Player. She was very distraught. She didn’t want Lizz to know what she’d done. He kept taunting her.

Player couldn’t take the tears in her voice. He went to her immediately, wrapping his arms around her. “Jackson, tell Jonas I’m taking Anat and Zyah to Lizz. They’re going to need one another. Then I’ll come to him. You can talk to them at Lizz’s.”