Francine must have realized by Zyah’s silence what she was thinking. “My clothes are torn, Zyah. I can’t walk around looking like this. Someone might see me.” She had lowered her voice as if someone might hear her.

Zyah’s expression changed to one of horror. Player willed her to replay the sound of Francine’s voice, not just hear the words every woman feared most. Alena touched Zyah’s arm very gently. Zyah took a visible breath.

“Do you need me to bring you anything?”

“A coat if you have one.”

“I do. I’ll come right away.” Zyah ended the call before Francine could say anything else.

Eyes are on you, baby. Take a deep breath. You can do this.

She was lying. At the end, she was lying. I don’t know about her clothes, but she was lying about not being able to walk home.

I know.

“She was lying,” Zyah said aloud to the others. “I know her very well. I know her voice, the inflections. She wasn’t telling the truth. She lives right down the road from where she says she is. She could walk from there. She’s setting me up. She has to be the one who is helping all the thieves break into the neighborhood homes.”

Ink, do you have eyes on the spotter? We have to take him out the minute Zyah is in her car, Steele commanded, using telepathic communication so Jonas was unaware.

They all heard the cry of an owl missing its prey. I’m on him. Savage is moving in on him with me. We’ll do the setup so Jonas will see we have no choice but to take him out.

Savage, don’t get crazy with this one, Steele cautioned. Don’t take a hit. Just make it look good so Jonas believes what we want him to believe.

Might not have a choice. Jonas has to believe this is real, Steele. I’ll do my best.

“I’m going to have to go alone in the car,” Zyah said. “They have someone watching. I can feel them out there.”

“No way are you going alone,” Player said decisively. “Absolutely not.”

“She’s the bait,” Jonas said. “That was the entire point of the setup. She doesn’t go, we’re not going to catch them. Your entire club is going to be surrounding her. Not to mention I’ll be there.”

“I’m going with her,” Alena announced. “Come on, Zyah. We’re going in my car. I brought the BMW. She rides like a dream. We’ll go through the kitchen.”

“You have a restaurant to run,” Zyah protested.

“I brought in help for the night,” Alena said, looking smug. “Delia and Bannister are cooking for me tonight while I’m gone. Delia has tons of experience. She’ll handle things just fine while I’m with you. They aren’t going to freak because you’re with another woman.”

“She’s right about that,” Jonas said. “They won’t like it, but they won’t see her as a threat. Don’t wear your colors.”

Alena gave a little sniff of absolute disdain as she let the kitchen door swing closed behind them, cutting off Player’s view of his woman. His heart nearly stopped. He turned immediately and nearly sprinted down the hall to a small door built into the wall, the one that was an escape should they need it. He exited the building that way. Jonas and Keys followed him out. Player moved around to the side of the building where the owl had called to them.

Running, they almost plowed into Savage and an assailant seemingly struggling. One appeared to have a knife and was stabbing it into the ribs of the other man.

“Savage,” Player hissed.

Jonas shoved Player out of the way, weapon out, blazing fire, the bullet taking the assailant in the side of the head, spinning him around, dropping him to the ground, the knife falling from nerveless fingers. Jonas swore as he kept running toward the two men. Savage kicked the knife farther away, and then did the same with a gun, Player could see as they came up on the dead man.

“Thanks,” Savage said, glancing at Jonas. He had one hand covering his side. Blood leaked between his fingers. “I saw the gun but not the knife.”

“How bad?” Jonas went straight to him.

Savage backed away, his movement instinctive. “I’ve had a lot worse. He barely got me. I’ll head out with Player and get this cleaned up by the time we get to Sea Haven.”

“You’ll need to stay here. I have to turn in my weapon. I can’t just kill someone and not have witnesses.”

“Take a few pictures, but do it fast. We’re not having Alena and Zyah hanging out there by themselves. If you have to stay here with the body and wait for your people,” Player said, “I’ll need Savage with me to make certain the women are safe.”

Jonas glanced down at his phone and swore. “Jackson just let me know that Terrie Frankle pulled up in front of Anat’s house. She’s going up to the front door now. Lift your shirt, Savage. Let me take some pictures. I’m going to need statements from all of you. Keys, Player, both of you as well as Savage.”