Master was the first to weigh in with his opinion. “Are you kidding me? Are you taking that shit, Player? Your woman is out of control.”

“What does he mean by that?” Zyah asked.

“Ignore them,” Alena said. “That’s what Lana and I do. Come on, honey. We need to parade around in front of the windows again before we go into the kitchen. Look really interested in how the tables are set up.”

“A woman doesn’t ignore her man, Alena,” Keys pointed out. “And telling her to do that isn’t a good idea. That could get her in real trouble.”

Player thought the entire discussion was a good diversion when he knew Zyah was extremely nervous. He could feel the combination of laughter and feminine indignation, as if she couldn’t quite make up her mind if she should believe a word they said.

“Real trouble?” Zyah echoed. “I think you’re talking in Torpedo Ink code.”

“That should earn her punishment,” Maestro decreed. “I’m talking the real kind, Player, no joking around. She’s already putting herself in a dangerous position, and now she’s defiant.”

“That’s what comes of giving women choices,” Savage chimed in.

“Giving women choices,” Zyah echoed, her voice strangled. Outraged. But definitely amused at the same time. “Player, do you want to explain this conversation to me?”

“It means I’ve evolved and they haven’t, baby. I have no intention of spanking that pretty little ass of yours, although it is a temptation.”

She nearly whirled around right there on the floor of the restaurant to find where he was in the shadows, but fortunately, Alena slung an arm around her waist, preventing Zyah from giving them away.

Player didn’t know if he really was that much more evolved. Not that he would ever want to dictate to Zyah, but he didn’t want her to have a second job, as much as he wanted to help Alena out. When would they ever see each other? Even living together.

Player? At once Zyah connected to him on an intimate level. Mind to mind. Just the two of them. What’s wrong? I know they were just teasing to get me to relax.

They were and they weren’t. It was a running argument among the members, on how far one went to keep a partner in line, but that wasn’t what had him worried. He had made up his mind to be truthful with her, and this subject bordered on something he wasn’t so certain he knew the truth about.

I realized I really don’t want you to have a second job. I hadn’t thought much about it before. A part of me is being selfish because I want to spend time with you. I work during the day, so the job at the store is fine. I had hoped the nights I play at the bar with the band you’d be there with me. And what happens if Anat gets to a point where she can’t live alone? I’ve thought a lot about that. She can’t go into a nursing home, Zyah. We won’t know how they’re treating her. If I hadn’t become suspicious of that therapist or you hadn’t insisted she get a second X-ray, she could have been really injured. If you have a second job, who would look after her? We could hire someone, but then we’d have to have cameras. I wouldn’t mind staying home, but she would be uncomfortable with me taking her to the bathroom . . .


With the way she said his name, brushing it so intimately along the walls of his mind, gently stroking each letter, each syllable, so lovingly, she took his soul.

I don’t want to be that man, putting my job ahead of yours. He didn’t. I don’t think I’m more important than you are, or that what I do should come before what you do. He knew that much was true. But what was he thinking? Or saying? Or trying to say?

Now that I’m really looking at myself and putting it in perspective, I don’t want you to take a second job because I don’t want to give up my music. It’s part of who I am. It was part of his soul. He needed music. I have to play. But maybe I don’t have to play with the band in the bar at night. It’s possible I could give those nights up to be here at the restaurant with you if this job means that much. I could chop vegetables for Alena. She needs the help.

Player, stop, Zyah gently chided him. You’re overthinking everything. We’ve got time. Right now, I’m worried about Mama Anat. Are you certain they can’t get to her?

On some level he knew she was distracting him just as the Torpedo Ink members had been distracting her. Still, he caught the hint of genuine worry for her grandmother. He should have known she was worried about her grandmother, not herself. He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t be seen with her. Half of Torpedo Ink is with her. Jonas has Jackson Deveau watching over her as well. Just follow Alena’s lead. Everything will be fine.