She leaned on the counter with both elbows and deliberately stared straight into Zyah’s eyes. “Have you ever done that? Been with a woman and a man? Or been with two men? I’ll bet Player’s shared a woman. And I’ll bet he’s had more than two women plenty of times. Ask him. I dare you. Text him right now and ask him. Ask him if he wants to party with the both of us tonight. We can go to his clubhouse.”

Francine’s face took on a greedy, almost obscene look of grasping glee. “You know how he got his name, right? Player? Did he ever tell you? Because I know how he did. Heidi told me. He took a bet one night from the others that he could do fifty women and they’d all call him back wanting more. They made the mistake of not making a rule that it had to be one woman at a time. He’s that damn good, but you already know that, don’t you?” She licked her lips, her eyes bright. “Come on, Zyah, you must have shared before. If you haven’t, there’s no hope in hell of keeping a man like that.”

Zyah ignored the way her heart reacted. She knew Player wasn’t like that. She’d been in his mind too many times, but she also had seen some of the parties in his head, those women all over him. Sometimes, like in that one little moment, it was difficult to push the images away. She kept her expression perfectly serene, a gift from the years of working overseas. She snapped her fingers.

“Let me have the car keys, Francine. I’ll close the store and we’ll head over to Crow 287. Player can stay with Mama Anat tonight. I don’t like leaving her alone. You probably don’t remember, but she was beaten pretty severely in that robbery, and she’s nervous. He said no problem. He’s got his guitar, so he’s happy.”

The door to the grocery store swung open, and Perry Randall sauntered in. Zyah tried not to react with a sigh, but the night was getting worse by the minute. Perry was dressed to go out, in slacks, a silk shirt, a dinner jacket. Nice shoes. His clothes cost more than her car. He dragged off his dark sunglasses, which, since it was already growing dark outside, he really didn’t need, and his gaze immediately took in both women. He whistled.

“Why would I give you my keys?” Francine snapped, fury building in her eyes. “You’re such a little prude, Zyah. You always were.” She whirled around at the sound of the appreciative whistle, and at once the expression on her face changed. Color swept into her cheeks, and she pushed her blond hair back to show off the earrings.

“Ladies. I can see I’m in luck tonight,” Perry greeted.

Francine tossed her head flirtatiously. “I think you are, Perry. It has been a hot minute since I’ve seen you, and you’re looking fine.”

“Not so bad yourself, Francine,” Perry returned, winking. “Zyah. Came to take you out to dinner. You have to be closing, right?”

Francine spun around to glare at Zyah. “That’s just great. You have two dates.”

“I’m going to dinner with you, Francine,” Zyah reminded. She was so tired she wanted to curl up on the floor and go to sleep right there. “Hand me your car keys. I’ll drive.”

“Fuck you, I’m not giving you my car keys. And I’m not going to dinner with you. You can go with Player and Perry.” Francine stuck her chin in the air.

“I’m going home,” Zyah said, “but you’re not driving. Hand me the keys.” She kept her voice even and quiet, knowing the battle was going to escalate now. Francine hadn’t gotten her way. She was certain both Player and Perry were after Zyah. She was going to be as destructive as possible. “Perry, if you’re looking for a dinner date, Francine is so gorgeous tonight. We were going out together, but I’m so tired I can’t keep my eyes open.”

Perry’s insolent gaze, as it ran up and down Francine, set Zyah’s teeth on edge. “You do look amazing, Francine,” he agreed. “But I want a sure thing tonight. Seriously. The last time we went out, you bailed on me at the last minute. That wasn’t cool.”

Zyah could hardly believe what she’d just heard. She wanted to throw something at his head. Perry was an arrogant little ass.

“That wasn’t my fault, and you know it, Perry. I got sick. I was sick.” Francine sounded like a child defending herself.

Zyah was instantly angry, something very rare for her. She leaned across the counter. “You have my phone number, Francine. You have the right to say no to anyone at any time for any reason. You call me and I’ll come get you. Perry, you continue to amaze me with just how disgusting you truly can be.”