“You shouldn’t be here. Why are you here?” Rhianna asks him.

“Sully’s mother died,” he says. Then his eyes move to me. “I didn’t expect to see you.”

“You had hoped to not see me,” I tell him. “We can always pretend you didn’t.”

“No can do, rich girl.”

Winter groans when Noah grabs her and August’s eyes fly to her.

“I think we should talk.”

I start laughing. It’s something I do now instead of going crazy. Rhianna steps back, and August glues his eyes to me.

“Talk,” I say calmly. “Talk. I tried talking to you, calling you, finding you. Nada,” I scream. “So, no, we will not talk right now because you deem it to be. Fuck off! I have to get my daughter ready for bed.”

“Our daughter, right?” he snaps back at me. I look him over and see the glint of a ring on his finger, not just any finger either—the finger.

“You’re married,” I say. The incredulous sound in my voice makes the last word sound like a screech. “Go away, August. Just go away.” I turn and walk to my apartment, where it’s safe and where my daughter is currently located.

“Oh, don’t you even think about following. I will kick you so hard in the dick, you’ll be seeing stars.” I hear Rhianna say as I walk inside.

Noah walks out, nodding to me as he goes and gets Summer. I grab my phone and call Beckham straight away.

“This better be urgent.” I hear the laughter of a girl in the background.

“August is here.” I hear shuffling, followed by the jangle of keys.

“I’ll be there in five.” He hangs up, and I lie back on my couch, exhaling deeply. I wait until I hear the roar of the engine again as it leaves, and Rhianna walks in with Noah and Summer.

“So, I would ask how your day is going but—”

“Probably not the wisest thing to ask,” I say.

Rhianna laughs and kicks my feet so I can make room for her pregnant ass on the couch.

“Holy shit, Ry. Holy shit. First, you have the worst sex.”

“Oi,” Noah says, which makes Rhianna giggle.

“She did.” She shrugs in my defense. “Then, you see the only man you’ve ever wanted with a ring on his finger.” She sighs. “Fuck! I used to complain my life was hard.”

The door to the apartment opens and Beckham walks in and looks around.

“He left,” I tell him.

Beckham walks past us and opens Winter’s door before he shuts it quietly and walks over to me. “I’ll kill him,” he says.

“No, he’s her father,” I say reluctantly.

“A father isn’t just a sperm donor, Ry. And that man is not a father.”

“He never had the chance to be.” I’m not even sure why I am defending him.

“Well, I guess we’ll see what he does with this information, then,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Eww, you smell of cheap perfume.” Rhianna gags, motioning to Beckham.

“It’s because before you called me, I was balls deep in a blonde.” He smirks, making Rhianna scrunch up her nose at his words before she hits him. “What was that for?” he asks her before he starts rubbing his arm.

“Because you are a manwhore. Stop it already.”

“Maybe when I’m in my forties,” he replies with a wink.

Rhianna rolls her eyes right back at him and shakes her head.

“Ry, are you okay?” My hands are shaking as my leg bounces up and down on the spot.

“I think so.”

“It’s August. You know him,” Noah says.

I shake my head. “I thought I knew him, but I most certainly don’t.”

“We don’t have to worry about it now. Get some sleep. Beckham will stay and watch Winter, right?” Rhianna says, grabbing her belly. “And maybe Summer, too,” she adds through gritted teeth.

“Umm … you’re peeing yourself,” Beckham says as we all look to Rhianna, who is standing with her hands on her belly as she tries to stay upright.

“Yeah, I thought they would go away when we got here. Seems they haven’t.”

“Fucking hell,” Noah says, handing a bag to Beckham, then reaching for his wife’s hand before he rushes her out of the apartment.

“I can always get a hit put out on his head. I’m sure a lot of people would do that for free. August has a lot of enemies.”

He does—a lot. Or did…

Anderson is one of them. Anderson only ended up serving a small amount of time for what he did to me, and I keep my distance from him, trying not to see him. He had a child with Jacinta, who I heard left with the baby not long after giving birth.

I don’t blame her.

His family has been trying to track her down all this time with no luck. I didn’t know her for long, and she seemed to be dealt a shit hand, but I hope she’s doing okay. The thing is, she seemed nice, and she most certainly didn’t deserve to be stuck with Anderson.