Pushing open his door, I immediately see it.

My eyes fill with tears as I take it in.

He’s made me my very own chest of drawers, and it’s gorgeous. Flowers are carved into the front and sides, and on the top is carved ‘Rich Girl.’ No one, and I genuinely mean no one, has ever done something so thoughtful for me before.

My fingers lovingly skim over it, dipping into the delicate carvings. It’s perfect, so perfect. I open the top drawer and inside is a picture.

It’s one of him and me.

I don’t ever remember taking one, but I know when it was. Paige was here, and he and I were out the front arguing. We may have been fighting, but I’m looking at him the way I always looked at him.

With hope and adoration.

He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

Shutting the drawer, I drop to the floor, and the tears that I have been holding back seem to escape all over again.

Reaching for my phone, I pull up his number and press call.

He answers but doesn’t speak.

“I just saw it…” I pause, turning back around to look at it and drag my hand over the wood. “It’s beautiful. So beautiful, August.”

He doesn’t respond, but did I really expect him to? At least he is picking up when I call. I know it’s him. Who else would answer his phone and not talk to me?

“I miss you,” I whisper. And before I can say another word, I hang up and let the tears roll unchecked.

“Where have you been?” Rhianna asks, pacing back and forth when I walk in.

Noah sits down, watching her and shaking his head.

“Where have you been?” she repeats as she stops her pacing and looks at me.


Before I can even speak, she grabs hold of my hand and pulls me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

“Look at that and tell me what it says.”

“Rhianna,” Noah says, his fist tapping on the door.

“Go away,” she shouts, then looks back at me. I turn to where she’s pointing and see a white stick.

Oh, fuck.

I take small steps until I reach it and peer down.

“It has…” I turn back to see her hands over her ears as she stares at me with eager eyes. I open the door so Noah can come in, and he goes straight to her.

“Guys…” both sets of eyes fall to me, “… you’re pregnant,” I tell them.

Rhianna shakes her head, and Noah looks to the floor, shocked. I stand there awkwardly, waiting for either of them to move or speak. Noah breaks first. He lifts Rhianna, wraps his arms around her body, hugging her tightly to him, and burying his face in her neck. I slide past them and out of the room to let them have their moment.

My sister is going to have a baby.

Holy shit.

It doesn’t take them long to leave the bathroom, and when they do, I see Rhianna has been crying.

She wipes at her face and smiles. “I’m having a baby.”

“Indeed, you are.” I smile back at her.

“We are having a baby,” Noah corrects her.

“Please. I’m the one who has to push her or him out. I am having the baby.” Noah doesn’t argue with her, just kisses her cheek again. She leans into him as she looks at me.

“Where were you?” she asks.

“Funny story—” Just then, someone bangs on our door. I turn and open the door to see Anderson standing there.

“Umm, hell no. You aren’t allowed here,” Rhianna says, but Anderson doesn’t care. His focus stays on me.

“It’s a boy,” he says to me only. “Look, Rylee...” he starts, but I finish for him.

“No, don’t say anything. You shouldn’t be here.”

“I love you, Rylee. I’ll stop. I’ll be good. Please, just forgive me.”

“Nope, nope, not happening,” Rhianna says, stepping up and trying to shut the door in his face, but his hand stops it, and he pushes it open a little to stare at me.

“Rylee, you know. You know we could be amazing together.”

“You really are delusional, aren’t you?” I say to him, shaking my head. His face loses that soft sorry look and instantly hardens.

“You think any other man would love you the same way I did?” he spits. “You couldn’t even hold on to trash.” He smirks.

“This is why you’re single, asshole,” I say, slamming the door. His yelp is heard as it hits on his fingers.

Rhianna laughs as Anderson pulls his hand away. When he does, I shut and lock it.

“Call the police,” Noah says as we both turn to him. “You have a restraining order. Call the police.”

“He just had a baby. That’s where I was, driving Jacinta to the hospital,” I tell Rhianna. “She’s not all that bad, just fell for the wrong man.”

“Haven’t we all,” Rhianna says with an eye-roll.

“Well, no. You didn’t,” Noah says, stepping up behind her.