The door opens, and Noah walks in carrying two bottles of wine that he places on the table in front of us. My sister doesn’t hesitate to open one and starts pouring me a glass, then one for herself.

“Rylee.” Noah hands me a set of keys.

I look at them, confused.

“For you to get your things,” he says, and Beckham shakes his head and swears next to me. It’s then I realize they’re the keys to August’s house.

August’s house, which he no longer lives in.

A part of me wants to ask Noah if he knows where he is right now.

How did he sound when he spoke to him?

Is he still as dark as that day I saw him?

Or if he’s back to the August I know.

There could be two sides to him, but I can handle that. I could have, I mean. Because even when he was at his darkest, he was still trying to protect me. Looking out for me.

“Burn it,” Beckham says as I slide the keys from the table, away from his angry glare.

“Also, change of subject,” Rhianna says. “Anderson’s baby mama cornered me the other day at the shop thinking I was you.” She smirks. “She wants to apologize. She feels awful about what happened.”

I shake my head. I pressed charges, and now it’s up to the courts to deal with.

I have a restraining order on Anderson because I don’t want him anywhere near me.

“It’s none of her concern.”

“She thinks it is,” Rhianna says, raising an eyebrow. “Anyway, told her she had the wrong sister, and she asked me to ask you if you could meet with her. I told her she was dreaming, then left.” She smiles. “You do not need to involve yourself in anything that crazy family does, and now she is attached to it. We both know you are the number one hit for his mother now you pressed charges against her precious boy.” She pretends to gag on the last part.

“I’m staying away from them,” I tell her.

“Good, because Mom was saying the other day that Anderson’s mother has been talking shit about our family. And as you can imagine, that doesn’t sit well with Mother.”

“Of course it doesn’t,” Beckham says.

“I’m sorry,” I say, turning to face him. He looks at me and shrugs.

“I’m over being angry at you.”

“Tell me, why do you love her more?” Rhianna says, eyeing us both. Beckham shakes his head and starts to dig into the food while she pins me with a stare.

“I love you the most,” Noah chimes in to distract her.

“I know that, but you see, I like attention. And I should be her favorite at least,” Rhianna says, making Noah smile at her neediness. We all know how she is, and we love her all the same for it.

“We love you just the same,” I tell her.

Rhianna pokes her tongue out and crosses her arms over her chest in defiance.

Beckham nudges me with a small smile, and Rhianna pulls a face at his action.

Maybe the days will get easier.

Or maybe they won’t.

Chapter 7


It’s been two weeks since Noah gave me those keys, and I still haven’t built up the guts to go back there. It will do nothing but remind me of him.

I’m getting better, and I can’t do anything to jeopardize that. As much as I’ve wanted to call August again, I haven’t. Even if my fingers are itching to do so.

He didn’t talk last time. So what would be the chances he would if I tried again?

When I get home from work, everyone is there—Rhianna, my parents, Noah, and Beckham.

I look around, wondering why they’re all here. “What’s going on?” I ask as Rhianna holds out her hand to me. I look at it, confused. Then I see it, a stunning ring sits proudly on her finger. It’s an oval-shaped diamond with a band of smaller diamonds surrounding it.

“Holy shit,” I say, shaking my head and smiling at her.

“I guess Mom gets to plan that wedding after all,” Rhianna says with a brilliant smile that will not budge. I don’t blame her. She and Noah, well, they are perfect for each other.

Pulling her in for a hug, she squeezes me back.

“You do realize you buy one, you get the other for free,” Beckham says to Noah, his eyes cast on the PlayStation.

Rhianna laughs because she knows it’s true, and Noah just smiles.

“Your funeral,” Beckham mutters before going back to his game.

“Well, I am ecstatic. This one lucked out on giving me one wedding, so I get to plan your wedding.” Mom chimes in. I grin, pulling back from Rhianna, knowing full well that it will be a nightmare for her.

“If you’re planning it, you’re paying for it. I have a few non-negotiable requests,” Rhianna says. Beckham and I are both shocked at her words. No way. Noah leans down to me as Mom and Rhianna start arguing about wedding decisions.