“Please, the kid is a total nuisance.” It only takes a moment before the irritation dissolves from her face, and she claps her hands together, getting back into the party mood. “I’m going to finish getting ready, and then we can motor. Tonight is going to be major!”

I really hope so.


An hour later, we arrive at the party. Lizzie parks her white convertible Cabriolet a block away. Cars are crammed bumper-to-bumper on both sides of the street. With one final check of her reflection in the small vanity mirror, Lizzie swipes on lipstick, and we exit the vehicle. If there was any question as to where the party is being held, it’s put to rest by the blaring music and raucous noise emanating from the property. The lake house is a massive wood and stone structure located about thirty minutes outside Pine Grove on a pristine lake well-known for boating, waterskiing, and swimming.

“You ready to do this?” Lizzie readjusts her tube top, pulling it down until the girls are shown off to their best advantage.

With a gulp, I glance at the residence already overrun with a mixture of drunken high school and college kids. “Yeah, I guess.”

As much as I want to see Ty, anxiety ratchets up inside me. I’m tempted to back away and return to the car. There have to be at least fifty people here, and the night is still young. Lizzie must sense my hesitation because she locks her fingers around my wrist and drags me down the flat stone stairs that lead to the two-story residence. We pass by pockets of people I recognize from high school but haven’t seen in years. Everyone has a plastic cup in their hands. As we arrive in the backyard, a bonfire comes into view. Orange flames dance and twist in the darkness. Kids are sprawled out on lawn chairs that surround the firepit.

Lizzie glances around, scoping out the area. “Let’s get some liquid refreshment, and then we can mingle.”

I follow my bestie as she zigzags through the crowd before arriving at the keg. She smiles brightly at the guy who mans the silver barrel. “Two, please.”

“That’ll be three bucks,” he says, interest igniting in his eyes as he takes his time checking her out.

She digs through the front pocket of her skirt before pulling out a few wadded-up bills. In exchange, he hands over two glasses of beer. We take our beverages and meander to the side, carving out a small space for the two of us. I glance around and take a sip. Over the years, Lizzie and I have been to a number of parties, but I’m not one to get wasted. One massive hangover junior year was more than enough for me. I felt like death the next day and have steered clear ever since.

As I lift the drink to my lips for a second time, the plastic glass is snatched from my fingers. I blink, only to find my brother glowering in front of me.


“What the hell are you doing here?” he growls, none to pleased to find us at the same party.

I gulp and shoot Lizzie a—I told you so look.

“We were invited,” she says, cutting into the conversation. At six-foot and two-hundred pounds, Brett might intimidate a lot of people, but my friend isn’t one of them. She seems to enjoy verbally sparring with him.

Brett’s narrowed eyes jerk to Lizzie, coasting over her from head to toe before snapping upward again. His jaw locks as he finishes his perusal. “Who invited you?”

A satisfied smile curves Lizzie’s lips as she straightens her shoulders. “Ty did this afternoon when we ran into him at the mall.”

My brother’s scowl intensifies. “Why the hell would he do that?”

“Why wouldn’t he?” she fires back before bringing the drink to her mouth.

Before she’s able to suck down any more of the golden liquid, Brett nips the plastic cup from her fingers. “You shouldn’t be drinking!” Sparks fly from his dark eyes as his attention shifts to me. “And neither should you! Mom and Dad would have a total cow if they knew you were hanging out with a bunch of drunk college kids.”

Even though I’ll be heading to State in the fall, my brother isn’t wrong. While my parents allow Brett to do pretty much whatever he wants, there’s a double standard in place where I’m concerned.

“Hey!” Unfazed by his anger, Lizzie steals the glass back before downing the entire contents in one fell swoop. My brows shoot up when she grabs my cup from him and drinks that as well.

When both containers have been emptied, she swipes the back of her hand across her mouth. “I don’t know who you think you are, Brett Wentworth, but you’re not the boss of me!” With that, she spins on her heel and shoves her way through the crowd.