I hear her coming down the stairs just as I finish crumbling up half the bacon into the eggs.

Christy comes down in what must be the most absurd uniform colors I have ever seen in my whole life—mustard brown pants with a ketchup red button-down shirt.

It’s fucking horrible, but the white, multi-colored polka dot tie is the topper.

“Holy shit! What the fuck? Do they plan on making sure all the employees die virgins? Or get beat up for their lunch money?”

“Ha-ha, meathead. It pays the bills.”

“So does bank robbery but I would lump that in the same category as that outfit.”

“Funny man, listen to the old fart with the jokes.” She smirks as she pulls up a stool to the counter where I have the food set out. “What did you do with the eggs?”

“Scrambled them with cheese, bacon and Tabasco. A few other things, but that’s a secret. It puts hair on the chest.”

Looking at me with a flat expression, she says, “I’m a girl, I don’t need hair on my chest.”

“It would give you an edge in the ring… other fighters would be wary of squaring up with you.”

“Still not funny, old man.”

Taking a large bite of the eggs, I groan with happiness. I love my cooking.

Christy lifts the fork to her nose before taking a sniff at it. Taking a tentative taste, the corners of her eyes lift in a smile. “Wow, that is really good. What else did you put in it?”

Shaking my head, I say, “Trade secret.”

She’s probably about four bites in when I see a sweat break out on the bridge on her nose.

“Holy shit, that’s deceptively hot!” she gasps out.

Motioning to the fridge, I say, “Milk’s in there if you need a coolant.”

* * *

We’re in the car, sitting in front of the Burger Bells, killing time before the start of her shift. I wasn’t sure how long it would take us to get here so we left a bit early.

“So… you don’t actually eat here do you?” I ask.

I can only imagine the nasty shit that goes into the body when you consume one of their sandwiches.

“It’s cheap and filling,” she says with some indignation.

“Point taken… Okay, we need to pack you a lunch before you go to work. Shit like this will only slow you down.”

“I’m doing just fine, and what do you mean pack me a lunch? Are you calling me a kid?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “If the shoe fits.”


Smirking, I watch as she pulls her backpack up from between her legs. She pulls out something I’ve never seen before in real life.

Setting the beanie cap with a propeller on top of her head, she checks her reflection in the mirror before reaching for the door.

“Wait, wait, wait.” I say almost breathless. I can’t fucking believe it, it’s a real propeller cap.

Turning to me, she frowns. “What?”

“Can… can I touch it?” I ask, my hand lifting up, my finger pointed out.

“What the hell are you…” she says before I reach up and give the propeller a push.

Her eyes cross over her nose.

“Holy fuck balls with fleas! It spins!”

Grinning, I try to push it again but her hand flies up to slap mine away. “Stop that!”

“No! I need to do that again, that was almost as good as sex!”

“I fucking hate you…” she grumbles as I flick it again, watching it spin round and round.

Pushing open the car door, she starts to get out so I ask her, “When do I need to come get you?”

“I’m not a kid. You don’t need to keep doing things for me like this. I’m not going to sleep with you!”

I don’t know where the hell that came from but that wasn’t what I had in mind at all as I consider where we’re sitting. This place isn’t as rough as last night but it sure isn’t a nice neighborhood.

“I wouldn’t sleep with your scrawny ass anyways. You need to get to the gym and the dojo if you want to go further. You can’t just sit by.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You want to fight, right?”

“With you? You would break me in half, meathead.”

“I mean in the ring.”

“Well… yeah, but... Look, I’ll see you at the gym tonight, okay?”

“How are you going to get there?”

“I just will!”

Shutting the door with more force than I think is really needed, she stomps away from the car and heads into the restaurant.

* * *

In the gym, my mind floats around inside my head as I push myself further into my cardio routine than I normally do.

My body wants to rebel against the hard work I’m pushing it through but I won’t allow it. I have to keep my body up and ready. Rocko Williams, my opponent, will be making sure his body is ready to go the full distance.