“Travis!” I shout out as he gets about halfway to his door.

I’ve set myself up right in front of their house so he has no chance of missing me when I get his attention. It’s night time so I’m guessing he’s seen my car, and from the swagger that he’s got in his step I bet he thinks Christy is inside waiting for him. Stupid fuck.

“Yeah?” he says to me as I walk up his sidewalk.

“Hey, my name’s Alex and…” I start to say before he turns away from me.

“I ain’t got time for any shit, man. I’ve got to see someone.”

Shaking my head, I pick up my pace. “About that… That’s my car, shit for brains.”

He pauses at the door with it halfway open. Turning back to me, his eyes widen as he takes me in for the first time. “What?”

Stupid motherfucker let me get into his personal space without even realizing the mortal danger he’s in.

Quick as a fucking snake, I lash out with my fist, catching the side of his head.

I watch as he’s forced into the partially open door and then grin as he falls into the house.

“Thanks for inviting me in, Travis,” I say as I step into the house and shut the door behind me.

Taking a quick look around the living room to see if her stepfather is home, I smile when I see my luck has held. Travis and I are all alone.

How cozy, just me and the little bitch.

Shaking his head from the blow, he yells at me, “What the fuck, asshole?!”

“I’m betting you saw my car outside, didn’t you?” I say to him. “Figured Christy would be in here waiting for you?”

“That’s… Fuck… That’s your ride, isn’t it?”

Nodding my head, I say, “Yeah, it’s mine. I’m the man whose car you kicked, whose dog you kicked, and most importantly the man whose girl you hurt.”

Scrambling backwards towards the couch, he pulls himself up. “The fuck she is. I don’t know who…”

“That’s right, you didn’t know who you were fucking around with. So I’m going to give you this one chance to…”

“I’m going to fucking kill you, she told me you fucked her!” he screams at me as he charges forward.

Stepping aside of his poorly thrown punch, I lash out with a kick to the side of his knee. The loud popping sound followed by the screeching howl as he falls to the floor is like music to my ears.

He curls up in a screaming ball of pain. Pulling my leg, I give him a sharp kick to the kidney which causes him to temporarily stop making noise as the pain engulfs him.

Leaning down, I grab his nasty greasy hair and start dragging him down the hallway.

“Let’s get this over with, Travis. We have a lot to go through in a short amount of time.”

He fights me some, but once I locate his bedroom, it’s a simple matter of grabbing him by the back of his pants and grabbing a handful of hair to toss him into the room face first.

He lands roughly and gets that hazy, glazed look in his eyes. Poor guy, such a little pussy for all the fuss he has made.

Looking around his room quickly doesn’t help me find what I am looking for. Well shit, I guess I’m going to have to ask him where his shit is.

Slapping him roughly across the face twice brings his focus to me. “Where’s the drugs at, Travis?”

“Wha…” he asks in confusion.

Slapping him even harder, I say, “Focus, shit for brains. Where are your drugs? Where is the shit you’ve been putting in your body?”

“Why do you want that?” he whines out to me.

Fuck, I so do not have time for this shit.

Pulling my arm back, I say, “Next question from your mouth is going to cause you to lose some teeth. Where are you storing the shit?”

I pull up the sleeves of his shirt and check his arms. I see a couple needle pricks there but they look old. So he’s not needle guy, I’m betting he’s snorting shit now.

“In the air return…” He points over to the wall.

Moving over to the wall, I yank out the return and find a small stash of white powdery shit and what looks like weed.

Leaving the shit right where it is, I walk back to Travis.

“Okay, so now I know where you store your shit. Since time is quickly running out for you, Travis…” I say as I can’t help but smile at the wide-eyed terrified look he gets.

Yeah, he is thinking exactly what I want him to.

“Man, don’t kill me… I didn’t mean to hurt her… I just can’t help it… I…”

“Shut the fuck up!” I roar over his stuttering.

Kneeling down in front of him, I punch him hard, as hard as I can. I can’t help it; the rage has been building itself up ever since Christy came home in tears.