Above me he shudders and the pounding of his cock slows until he’s thrusting into me with a deep, rolling rhythm that grinds against my clit.

For an eternity it feels like we’re locked together, helpless in the throes of our bliss.

Then he collapses on top of me with one last, “Fuck.”

We relax against each other, spent.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Sometime last night, after our second session of trying to break each other into a billion pieces, we fell asleep just listening to each other breathe. It was one of the most peaceful nights I have ever had sleeping.

I have both my girls in bed with me, one snoring like a freight train and the other drooling a bit on my chest.

Last night, we felt natural. It was like we were made for each other. My cock stretched her completely and fully. Her breasts molded perfectly against my chest. Her thighs were tight around my waist. It just felt right.

But now my conscience is nagging at me about the fact that I just took the virginity of an eighteen-year-old girl.

Fuck. That’s a first for me. I know some guys, even at my age, love bagging a virgin. That’s not me, I usually prefer a girl with a bit more experience. It’s just easier to not to deal with all the emotions of taking some girl’s cherry.

Am I an ass for thinking like that? Probably. But fuck, in my life it’s easier to feel that way and not let myself get attached to anyone.

Most of the women out there that are attracted to guys like me are usually in it either for the money, fame or danger. Shit, sometimes they’re in it for all three. Now, I just took the cherry of a girl who’s way too young, way too inexperienced, and way more than I deserve.

How the fuck did I luck out? Even with that drooling thing, she is fucking hot. Like stupid fucking hot. She should be on TV or walking down a runway.

Not here in my bed with a schmuck like me.

I’m a schmuck, but I’m not stupid. I know I could do that push her away for her own good thing because I’m almost twice her age. But that won’t happen. She’s mine, and she’ll be lucky if she doesn’t get my named tattooed across her ass.

Property of Beast

It’s not truly that hard to put my conscience in its place when it comes to thinking about Christy. Our future from here on out is together. Like I told her last night, she’s mine. Maybe not my slave, but I sure as hell am going to keep her.

Wrapping my arm tightly around her shoulders, I hug her to me. The sun is going to be coming up any moment now and the day will be starting. Fuck, there never is enough hours in the day.

My phone begins to chirp cricket sounds, my alarm going off. Reaching over to swipe it away, I feel Christy shift around on my chest. I flip the lamp on beside us and it lets out a dim glow that will slowly brighten up.

“Ugh, why is your chest wet?” she asks as she lifts her head off me.

“You drool.”

“There is no way that was me…” she laughs.

Nodding my head, I say, “Sweetheart, you drool worse than Muffin.”

Rolling her eyes, she pushes away from my chest. “Just admit it, Old Man, you were drooling and sweating over this hot young body.”

Snickering, I drag her back to me. Grabbing her hand, I push it down to my quickly stiffening cock.

“This is what shows how hot you are. It’s kind of like a thermometer—the hotter and sexier you are, the stiffer it gets.”

She gasps at the feeling of my cock growing in her hand, and I kiss the side of her neck. Her skin still has that sweet, succulent taste.

Pushing her to her back, I smile before I begin working down to her sculpted shoulder, right where the hollow spot is. The skin there is so soft, so smooth, I must kiss it.

Lifting my head from her shoulder, I work my way down, towards her breasts. Kissing the left then the right. I don’t stay there long though, I need to taste more of her.

Last night we fucked twice. I didn’t get to do all the things I wanted to do so badly because of my pure need to stake a claim. This morning, though, is the time to make sure she knows I’m the only fucking man for her.

Period. End of story.


My cock slides from her loose fingers as I pull down her body. I don’t think she has a clue about how I am going to rock her world.

I’ve gotten a shit ton of girls hanging all over me because of what I can do with my cock, but my tongue is on a whole other level altogether.