“Okay, I got today off, but they were a bit angry.”

“Do you actually like working at that place?”

Shrugging her shoulders, she says, “No, but it’s my job and it pays.”

I shake my head. “You need to focus more on the future. That job is holding you back.”

She laughs a bit sourly. “That job pays the bills. I have to save up if I want to do this full-time, don’t I?”

“No, not really…”

“Are you saying I shouldn’t fight?”

“No, more that you should quit. The burger place doesn’t fit.”

“And how would I be able to afford that?”

I lift my shoulders in a shrug. “Same way you’re doing it now. You live here, you keep Muffin happy, and you train with me. We get you ready to be your best.”

She rolls her eyes at that suggestion. “Doesn’t that make me dependent on you then?”

“No, you’re going to win your fight and the one after that. It will start to pay off, and if you want to move out after that then go for it. But right now you need to focus on the future and take advantage of this rich old man’s generosity.”

Her face scrunches up as she thinks for a moment and I can tell she’s tempted. “I can’t just quit like that on them, I wouldn’t feel right doing that.”

“Give them your two weeks tomorrow.”

“Maybe. Let me think about it.”

Nodding my head, I stand up and clear the plates off the table. Doing the dishes goes quickly now that I have someone doing them with me.

“So where are you taking me?” she asks as we get into the car.

“We’re going to get therapeutic massages. I plan on being a puddle of jelly by the time they are done with me.”

Chapter Nineteen


The last place I expected Alex to take me on our day off was a day spa, and I sure as hell didn’t count on us sharing a private room.

“Uh?” I hum as the receptionist darts off, closing the door behind her. “Did you…” I ask as my eyes sweep over everything.

The room is small and cozy with two long tables and a small sitting area. Rose petals have been sprinkled over the tables and a bottle of champagne with strawberries has been left for us to enjoy. The only light comes from flickering red candles placed on little shelves around the room.

The whole setup is very romantic, and I thought we were only here for a training respite.

“Fuck no. They must think we’re a couple,” Alex rumbles and his dark brows furrow together. “Do you want me to…”

I chew on my lip for a moment before shaking my head. I’ve never had a massage before and I think I’d feel more comfortable with him in the room.

“No, this will work. I’m actually a little nervous about a stranger having his hands all over me,” I admit.

Alex’s already dark eyes darken with something I can’t quite place. “Are you sure?”

I nod my head and walk up to the left table.

Fingering the stack of sheets left on the end, I ask. “Are we supposed to get naked and wear these?”

Alex makes a little choking sound and I glance back at him.

“Yeah,” he says, his face a little flushed. “That’s usually what you do.”

I grab the sheet and snap it out. It’s definitely long enough to cover me from head to toe.

“Okay,” I say. “We’ll take turns changing. First me then you?”

“Sure,” Alex agrees gruffly before clearing his throat.

“No peeking,” I tell him then I toss the sheet over his head.

He chuckles as I toe off my shoes. “The same goes for you.”

I huff as I grab the sheet off of his table then push down my shorts. “Like I’d sneak a peek of you, Old Man.”

“I saw you checking me out earlier,” he says cockily. “You couldn’t keep your tongue inside your mouth while we were running.”

“Whatever,” I growl at him and toss my shorts at his head. They thump him in the face and slide down to the floor.

I pull my shirt up next and watch him closely. Can he see through the sheet? A little, deviant part of me hopes he can.

I was up all night last night, thinking of him and what could have been. I don’t know how many times I was tempted to climb out of my bed and into his. My lips wouldn’t stop burning from his kiss.

But it didn’t feel right. It felt like it would be tarnished by everything else that happened so I fought against the temptation and eventually fell asleep.

This morning, though, I woke up with my heart heavy with regret. And then our run… he just had to run with his shirt off, teasing me. Tempting me…

Two can play that game.

I take my time unsnapping my bra and pretend I don’t hear his little sharp indrawn breath.