I feel so damn pathetic.

I just want to forget it ever happened. I want it to go away…

Didn’t I already tell Chase what happened earlier? Why do they have to push it? I don’t like my wounds to be out in the open, I prefer to keep them hidden inside.

When Avery wrapped me up in a hug and lead me over to her office, I was beyond grateful. The walk gives me a little time to get my shit together.

By the time she shuts the door behind us and motions to a chair, I’ve got my emotions under control.

I take a seat in the chair in front of her desk and look around. Her office couldn’t be more different from Chase’s. Where his office is barren and barely used, Avery’s office is warm, inviting and smells good. There are plants, curtains, and pictures of their family all over her desk. Directly in front of me is a picture of their twins, Emma and Emily, hugging each other. The two little girls are beaming at the camera, showing off their dimples.

“Did I ever tell you how Chase and I met?” Avery asks.

I shake my head and tear my eyes away from the picture to watch her approach. It’s obvious the twins get their good looks from her and not their beastly daddy. Avery is a curvy knockout with long, dark hair and beautiful eyes. Pregnant with their third child, her belly creates a little bump in her purple dress.

She picks a box of tissues off of her desk and offers it to me. “I met him at the fights. He was the defending heavyweight champion, and my best friend at the time was fighting against him.”

I accept the box of tissues and pull one out, using it to dab at my nose. “Your best friend fought against Chase?”

She nods her head and sits down on the chair beside me. “Yes. He lost, obviously.”

I nod my head. Of course he lost. Chase never lost the belt once he got it. He retired while still being the champion.

“And he was a sore loser, so he found a way to blame it on me.”

“Wow. That’s kind of crazy.”

Avery nods her head in agreement and looks past me as she tells me how Chase attacked her best friend, beating the crap out of the guy after he shoved her into a wall.

“If Dale and a security guard weren’t there to pull Chase off of Ethan, I’m not sure Ethan would have walked out of there alive.”

Looking back to me, she smiles, and I just don’t know what to say. Before tonight, the Chase I’ve always known has always been so calm and in control. It’s usually him keeping everyone else in check with his size and natural intimidation.

“He gave me a ride home that night, and then I just couldn’t get rid of him.”

I nod my head and crumple up my tissue in my hand.

“The reason I’m telling you this is because the guys around here are good guys. What happened isn’t going to sit well with them, especially Chase.”

“He’s not going to beat the crap out of Mark, is he?” I ask, a little afraid that this whole situation is going to escalate. I don’t want any of these guys going to jail.

Avery shakes her head. “No, though no doubt he wants to. Chase… he doesn’t look kindly on those that hurt women. Especially women that he cares about.”

“What do you mean?”

“Chase cares a great deal about you, Christy. That’s why he was so upset tonight.”

“Oh,” I say, surprised to learn that Chase cares about me, especially from Avery.

“And I care about you, too. We both want you to be safe.”

“I am safe,” I say immediately.

“Are you sure?” she presses and gives me a long pointed look like she knows something is going on with me.

I nod my head, becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is going, though I know she honestly just wants to help me.

“Is there stuff going on at home that you want to talk about?”

I shake my head and look towards the door of her office, hoping that Alex or someone will come knocking and save me.

“You know you can talk to me, right?”

“Yes,” I answer just to placate her.

The last thing I need is more people getting involved in my business and trying to help me. It’s done. It’s over with. Travis can’t find me and I can forget him. If tonight has taught me anything, it’s that the more people that are involved, the worst things get.

“If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me and Chase. We can help you out, help you get on your feet.”

“Thank you,” I reply. “But I’m staying with Alex. He’s helping me.”

Avery hesitates for a moment, looking as if she wants to say more, but then shakes her head as if thinking better of it. “It’s an open invitation,” she says, smiling. “If you ever need anything…” She trails off, leaving the offer open.