“I just wanted you two to leave for a while. I wasn’t kicking you guys out. I needed to find out what the hell happened… Look, can you guys stop by in an hour and a half? Place will be empty and we can all sit down.”

Checking the clock on the dashboard, I calm myself as much as I can. I glance over at Christy, silently asking her what she wants. She nods.

“Yeah, we’ll go get something to eat. We’ll see you then.”

“Alright, thanks guys.”

Disconnecting the phone, I keep my arms wrapped around her. Her body fits so perfectly inside of my arms. It’s way too comfortable right now. I could just stay here in this car with her. We can’t do that, though. We need to eat and find out what the fuck’s going on.

Pulling back, she smiles. “You didn’t get a chance to shower, did you?”

Shaking my head, I frown. “No, sorry, babe. I didn’t even get close to it. Do I stink?”

“No, not really. You smell like deodorant and a man who’s been working hard.”

“You like my manly musk!” I snicker.

Pushing at my chest, she laughs. “Hardly, Old Man.”

“Old, my ass, you were just making out with this old man.”

“Yeah, but I don’t have good taste.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Me either, Runt.”

Pulling away from her, I take a long look at her. That damn smile of hers is making me feel way too good.

“Okay, this is a rarity, but it’s a cheat night.”

Her eyes widen as she asks, “Just what kind of cheat are you meaning? Like a little pussy cheat, or a we’re going to regret it in the morning cheat?”

“How about we get some pizza at Mikey’s?”

She beams at me. “Oh, god! Please! Please! Please!”

It’s not the worst we could do on cheat meals, but fuck me if the pizza joint isn’t calling to me right now.

I give her a smile and pull away. “We can even do some soda.”

Laughing at that, she says, “Well, look at mister living dangerously!”

Nodding my head, I say, “Yep, that’s me. I like to live on the edge every once in a while.”

* * *

The pizza sitting in my stomach is a much welcomed relief after the stress we had earlier tonight.

I think if we are both being honest though, we have both been living under a cloud of stress ever since I moved her into my house. It was really only a matter of time before it got out that she was living with me.

We were probably kidding ourselves when we thought it would be our little secret.

We keep our conversations light as we sit at the high-top table, enjoying the pizza. I think we are trying hard to just enjoy the moment. All too soon we’re going to have to deal with some harsh shit.

But fuck it, we’re both adults, we can deal with it.

Come what may, I think getting kicked out of the gym right then was the best thing that could have happened to us. It forced our hands. It forced us to be honest with Chase and with each other.

I’m sure that this is something I want, her and me. I’m pretty damn sure she wants me too, but we need to talk about it.

Would we have broken past our walls eventually if our hand wasn’t pushed? Fuck if I know.

There’s a difference between eating with Christy and with Sophia that I find pretty jarring.

Right now, I’m happy and comfortable. There’s no pretense with us, we’re enjoying ourselves. With Sophia it felt like we were on show for everyone around us. She liked that I was the dangerous fighter, she liked looking like the small damsel with the Beast.

I think Christy simply wants to be here because I’m here and the pizza is good.

* * *

Driving back to the gym, the stress starts to weigh down on us.

Fuck, I know what the problem is—it’s all about the age difference—but fuck, we’re adults. And if shit’s not to our liking then fuck them, we can do what we want.

I walk quickly around the car and open her door for her. “Fuck them if they don’t like it, Christy. We are what we want to be, and I don’t give a shit about them or what they think.”

Nodding her head, she stands up straight and places her hand in mine. “You’re right.”

Heading into the building, I notice that the only people here are Chase, Dale, and Avery. The rest of the place has cleared out. Even the guys who usually stick around later are gone.

We walk over to the group and Chase bristles as he takes in our hands.

Christy tightens her grip on me as we move. At first she looked confidant, but that seems to be fading fast with each step we take towards them.