I step under the showerhead. Rinsing off all the sweat from the gym makes my body feel almost like new.

The hot, steamy water runs down my abs then cascades down my cock, giving me pause.

I imagine those ass cheeks bouncing back and forth while Christy ran. I can imagine how good she would feel if I were to press her up against the shower wall. My body pushed against hers, my mouth latched onto her neck as I slowly slide her shorts down to her thighs. My thick cock up, pressing between her thighs and entering her tight pussy.

Fuck, my hand has somehow started slowly stroking my cock. It’s been almost a week since I last got my nut off and I think the ache in my balls is going to drive me insane.

I know I shouldn’t be thinking of Christy as I work my hand up and down my shaft. The fact I have seen her both clothed and naked, even if I was an asshole for checking out a crying girl, is not helping me stop myself from jerking off to her. I’m not old enough to be her father, but I still have about twelve years on her.

Shit, she wasn’t even going through puberty when I graduated from high school.

Fuck it all!

My hand speeds up and down. The smooth skin encasing my shaft is so sensitive right now. The large head gives me shivers down my spine each time my calloused hand scrapes against it.

The moment I think of her delicate pussy lips gripping me through an orgasm I feel my cock erupt all over the shower wall.

Fuck, my knees almost buckle as I squeeze out each drop of cum.

Shutting off the shower, I quickly dress myself. Checking my watch, I can’t believe I was so damn quick. I’ve never been a minuteman, but I just showered and jerked off in seven minutes.

What the fuck is wrong with me? This girl is driving me nuts.

* * *

What the fuck is wrong with me, seriously? I just jacked off to the thought of some young, barely legal girl. Shit, I need to get laid badly. It must be the fact that I haven’t fucked in a week or so that has me so wound up tight.

Looking over at Christy while she dozes, I shake my head. I need to get a grip on things if I don’t want to take advantage her. I can’t do something like that, I don’t think I could forgive myself.

It takes me getting out of the car and shutting the door to wake Christy up.

Popping up from the seat, she quickly opens the passenger door and jumps out. “Holy crap, did I sleep the whole way home?”

“Yeah, the snoring was pretty bad. I wanted to gag you after a while because it was becoming a driving hazard.”

Heading towards the door, I her hear her scoff at me. “I don’t snore, big head!”

Opening the door, Muffin darts around me. Racing up to Christy, she stands there for a moment, her tail wagging. I watch her tail falter and then she scoots back to run after me.

Laughing, I say, “She can smell the puke on your breath. You need to bathe and freshen your shit up.”

Christy’s face turns bright red as she stomps past me. I hear quite a few dirty words about me and the size of my head as she passes. I would warn her about Dale tomorrow but I think she needs to learn that on her own.

Yelling at her back, I say, “Come back when you’re done. We need to eat dinner and talk about your diet. I bet Dale said you’re too skinny.”

“Argh! I am not a bean pole or a runt, dammit!” I hear her shout as she disappears deeper into the house.

“Yeah, but put about ten to fifteen pounds on your ass and you’re going to be fucking sex-on-a-stick,” I mutter to myself.

She’s got six weeks to get ready. She’s going to need all the help she can get.

* * *

Over the meal, I can’t help but catch myself staring at the freshly bathed girl. She’s wearing a baggy pair of sweatpants with an old t-shirt and her hair is twisted up inside of a towel.

I don’t think I have seen something as sexy as she is right now in a long time.

It’s not revealing or anything, she just looks so fresh, clean and beautiful. No makeup, no push-up bras, no nothing. Just natural her.

Fuck, I’m going to be in so much trouble.

We finish up with me showing her a small chart of what we should be putting into her to get her weight up, and what to use to build her body in a natural way. We could use weight gainers but I don’t trust things like that. So we’re going with proteins and fats, trying to stay away from the carbs. She needs to be eating the right stuff.