It all feels incredibly unfair and that if there’s any real justice in the world, he’ll be laughed out of court. But I’m old enough and wise enough to know by now that the world doesn’t always work like it should. Justice will be determined by the judge in court and their opinion on the matter. One man or one woman, a complete stranger, will have the power to decide what happens to my daughter, and I’ll just have to trust that they’ll make their decision based on a true desire to provide what is best for her.

Last night, it was too late to wake up Hope to go back to Max’s so I kissed him good night and he promised he’d be back first thing in the morning. I had the hardest time falling asleep after he left. All my worries and the awful what-ifs kept playing over and over in my head. I tossed and turned for what felt like hours before I finally fell asleep.

Waking up takes a bit of work, but there’s a lot of noise—laughter and things banging—making it impossible to fall back to sleep. Rolling over with a groan, I grab my phone and check the time, it’s a quarter till noon. I’ve slept away the entire morning.

Hope’s happy squeal slices straight through my brain.

Feeling like a cranky zombie, I roll out of bed, pat down my crazy hair and shuffle out my door, heading to the kitchen for some much needed coffee.

“Good morning,” Max grins at me as I shuffle into the kitchen. I stop, take one look at him and turn around, shuffling the other way.

“Hey!” He calls out from behind me and then something small and very fast slams into the back of my legs.

“Mommy! You’re awake!” Hope squeals and hugs me tight, stopping my getaway.

“Good morning, honey,” I croak out and try to take a step forward with her still clinging to my legs.

Her arms only tighten around me as she tells me excitedly, “Max says he has a surprise for me, but he didn’t want to tell me until you were awake.”

“Oh?” I try to lift my leg but with her weight it just isn’t happening. With a sigh, I resign myself to my fate as I hear Max walking up behind us.

“Yes. And now you’re awake!” Letting go of my legs, I get two steps forward before a pair of big meaty tattooed arms wrap around me.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Max rumbles into my hair and hugs me from behind.

I guess it’s better to get it out of the way now and let Max see my morning face. Hopefully he doesn’t run away, screaming.

“She’s awake,” Hope says excitedly, bouncing up and down behind us. “Tell me, Bear! Tell me!”

He spins me around so easily to face him. I drop my chin, looking at the floor, feeling suddenly shy. My hair’s a mess and I washed off all my makeup last night before climbing into bed. I wish more than

anything I would have shuffled into the shower before shuffling into the kitchen.

Nudging my chin up, his chocolate eyes pierce right through me. “Okay?”

That one word could mean so many things but now that it’s morning and he’s here with me -not running away screaming - I am okay. I take a deep breath and nod my head.

His lips pull up into a smile that lights up his entire face. “Good.” Squeezing me in another hug, he asks, “Can I break the news?”

I nod my head.

“We gotta start packing, Hope. You and your mommy are moving in with me.”

Hope seems to be confused at firs but then she squeals with excitement.

* * *

Thankfully, Hope is excited about moving in with Max but I can tell she’s also a little confused. Even after all the explaining we do, I still don’t think she fully understands it, and I can’t help but fear that we’re pushing this a little too soon.

But life is short and ever since he’s returned from Krissy’s funeral, Max seems like he’s changed a bit. I know it could also be from the crap going on with Carson, but Max just seems so much more sure now, so much more convinced about this whole moving in with him thing.

Me… I’m just going to have to trust him on this. I’m not so sure this is the best course of action but after talking to him last night, I knew I wasn’t going to win.

We spend the rest of the afternoon packing up our stuff, mostly clothes and Hope’s toys, then we stop at Hope’s favorite pancake restaurant for lunch before heading to our new home.

Home, it feels so weird to think of Max’s luxurious house as our home as we pull up in front of it and park but as of this minute it technically is.

Max hops out of his Escalade first and eagerly helps out Hope.