“Something wrong…” I look at her name tag. “Casey?”

Blinking her eyes, she shakes her head. “No… Don’t think so.”

Looking down at myself. “Nothing out of place? I look fine?”

She is still staring at me as she says, “Hot. Really hot.”

I smirk then. Ah. Yeah, I am a sexy fucking bear aren’t I?

A deep crimson blush creeps up her cheeks as she says, “Oh my god. I said that out loud.”

“Yeah. That’s okay.”

She checks me out of the hotel on the computer, but she looks up at me every so often, blushing.

“Come back to see me…” she says. “I mean us!”

Nodding my head, I head out of the building and straight to the SUV I rented at the airport. No way am I getting stuck in a small car again.

The funeral is held in a large catholic church. The spires reach high up into the sky. I can see the line of people entering the doors and it is not a small group either. Julie told me about how full the church would be today. I didn’t doubt it, but to see it is something else. There must be at least a few hundred people here.

The girl left a true impression on the world.

Matt, Krissy’s father, nods to me from where he is standing up front, speaking with people as they stop to say goodbye to Krissy. Her casket rests there, before the altar, closed with a white cloth draped atop it.

So that’s it. All the life in her is now gone and we get left with a metal box. Doesn’t seem hardly fair to me.

As I walk back from the casket, Matt stops me and shakes my hand. “Max, we don’t really know how to thank you. You did so much for Krissy these last few weeks. She got to be truly happy one more time.”

I try to smile but I am not sure what it looks like ‘cause I really don’t think I can smile.

“No, it was truly a gift to have known her. I wish I could have met her so much sooner. Thank you for allowing me to come back to say goodbye.”

He pats my shoulder and nods his head. Julie heads over and gives me a giant hug. She isn’t as small as Krissy was but she seems just as frail. “Thanks, Bear.”

Nodding my head, I hug Krissy’s mom, Anna.

I head back towards the back of the church and find an empty spot in the last pew. My hands fidget for a good five minutes before I pull my phone out. Everyone is slowly getting into their spots so I look down at the text chat log I last received from Krissy.

Krissy: One punch!

Me: I am so the man.

Krissy: Max the one punch bear!

Me: haha, not nearly.

Krissy: I am so proud of you. That was awesome!

Me: Thanks stink, why are you still awake?

Krissy: Meds have been kickin my butt, and I have been hurting a lot more.

Me: Well you need to punch that leukemia.

Krissy: I’m trying, I promise.

I look down at that, it sucks. I didn’t say anything back.