Shit, that was a first. I have never barebacked a woman. Never. No glove, no love.

But fuck.

“I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to ruin—”

She kisses me hard on the mouth, her tongue mashing against my lips then pushing past as we fight with our tongues. Pulling back, she rests her forehead against mine.

“Don’t, I came so good. You stopped your own pleasure to make sure we didn’t….” She closes her eyes and says, “Thank you. You thought about me.”

I pull her tight and just hold her perfect body against mine.

As all good things do, it comes to an end as she looks at the clock. “Crap. I have to leave soon. Hope..”

I nod and slowly sit us up. She is still wrapped around my waist as we hold each other there. Sometime soon, her leaving will not be happening. She will be here.

We get cleaned quickly and then sadly dressed. I let out a grumbling sigh as she pulls her shirt down. She is fully dressed; I don’t like it.

“What’s wrong?” she asks looking at me.

“I don’t like seeing you dressed. Your body is meant to be naked at all times.”

Blushing, she shakes her head. “You are crazy.”

“Nah, just know what I want.”

We head out to the car and I drive her home. I’m pretty sure I don’t go nearly as fast taking her to her home as I did driving her to mine.

Pulling back into my garage, I hop out, walking into my house and frown. It’s really fucking quiet here right now. No other body is moving or near me.

This sucks.

The bed is just as messed up as it was when we left. Reluctantly, I put new sheets on. Fuck, I’m being a pussy. Just because they smell like her doesn’t mean I have to get all mopey. I do leave on the pillow case she laid on briefly though. Yeah, I’m hooked.

* * *

Getting up early in the morning isn’t fun whatsoever. Fuck, my head is reeling from the fact that I fucked her last night without a condom.

I’m positive I’m clean and so is she, but still.

I fucked a woman I barely know without a rubber. She could have easily been knocked up because of me. I wouldn’t mind that one fucking bit, but I don’t know what it would do to us to have something like that happen so quickly.

I go for a run around the lake to clear my head, needing to get my shit together. I have a fight soon and then another one right after that. I don’t have time to fuck myself up mentally or physically.

I run longer and harder than normal and have to push myself to do it. Maybe I’m punishing myself as well because I could have fucked things up royally for her and myself. I can’t have that happen.

No, I cannot allow bad shit to come between us. I want her, and I swear she is mine now. Not going to fuck around about that.

She is mine.

I marked her fair and square. If someone else would have been lucky enough to capture her then they should have made sure she was marked.

I can barely breathe as I get to the back door of my house. The door leads into the kitchen and I have to lean a long time against the counter, drinking a cold bottle of water. I pushed my running out there but maybe it’s also all the fucking I got to do with Grace. I just feel so full of energy. It’s like I’m now filled with lightning, I need to release the building up pressure.

Shit, I want her home right now, right where she and Hope should be. In my house, making noises and bringing life to it.

I glance at the time on the stove and head to my bedroom so I can get ready for the gym. I need to keep working out today.

If the pressure I’ve been feeling continues to grow as much as it has been these last few weeks, the fight against Wade is going to be a bloody mess.