Climbing out of bed, I head for the shower and glance at the clock. I’m supposed to pick Grace up at six so I’ve got about five hours to blow. That sucks. I need it to be six now. How many more times can I beat off?

Fuck, when in doubt I might as well hit the dojo for some working out. It’s my off day but I’ve just got to get some of this aggression out.

* * *

I hung around the gym for about three hours, but didn’t get much done beyond annoying Chase and Brett. We played king of the ring and I got to see how far I could make Brett fly—that was a lot of fun.

I make it home at about four and from there I shower and take my time picking out something to wear. Nothing flashy. Slipping on the black polo and khaki shorts, I step into my shoes and head out the door.

I am seriously ready for this date, and my cock is threatening to tent my shorts in anticipation…

And that’s probably not the impression I need to make on her parents if they open the door.

Fuck, that is weird as hell to think about as I drive over to her house. Since I have been out on my own at nineteen I have been picking up most of my women at their own homes. Picking up a woman at her parents’ house is odd, but doesn’t really matter I guess. She had some shitty luck with fucking Carson.

Shit happens to good people and from what I can tell she is a good person.

I pull up into their driveway and hop out of the SUV. I am about fifteen minutes early but that’s as late as I am willing to be. I need to see her now.

Knocking on the door, I hear a high-pitched squeal of laughter. The door is opened by an older woman who could easily pass for Grace’s older sister.

“Hi, you must be Max—” she starts before the door flies open further with Hope darting out the door.

Hope jumps up into the air and slaps her hand against mine.

“Bear!” she gives me another five and then runs back into the house.

“Hope, you little sugar pill!” her grandmother chides as the girl runs away giggling.

Smiling, I nod my head, “She is a bundle of energy that’s for sure.” I extend my hand to the woman saying, “Yes, ma’am, I’m Max.”

Taking my hand in hers, she gives me a firm handshake. “Abigail. Come in please before the little stinker decides to run rampant on us.”

I follow her in and she leads me to the living room as a man stands up from the recliner he was relaxing in.

“Hello there,” he says and then takes my hand in a firm handshake. “I’m Bob. It’s good to meet you though with the way Hope talks about you I feel like I already have.”

I smile at the little girl and say, “Yeah, I can imagine. She is a wealth of information and questions.”

Grace comes around the corner of doorway and I catch her staring at me with an open mouth.

Quickly shaking her head, she smiles. “Hi, Max. Let me get my purse and we can go.”

Nodding my head, I make small talk with her parents as Grace disappears. She is back quickly, and with a tight hug and kiss for Hope we are on our way.

Heading out to the theater, the traffic is pretty light, the parking even better since we are coming so early in the evening. Walking to her side of the vehicle, I open her door for her and take her hand in mine.

She looks up at me with a smile.

Damn. I didn’t think it was possible but she’s even more beautiful right now.

Heading into the theater, I buy our two tickets for the movie and we grab a couple of drinks. Heading into the scr

eening area, I walk us all the way up the stairs to the very top row.

“Sorry about going up so high, but as tall as I am I feel bad if someone has to sit behind me and miss something on the screen.”

Shaking her head, she says, “No problem. I like sitting back here too. It lets me people watch when they come in, and I don’t have to worry about someone putting their feet on the back of my seat.”