I wish the crap Carson tried to pull was just my imagination—seriously what is up with him? He’s turned into a complete asshole since he moved back. I honestly don’t know what the hell I’m going to do about him. I don’t like the way he treated me, grabbing me by the arm, especially in front of Hope.

And I definitely don’t like the way Hope tells me he treats her during his weekend. He’s definitely a jerk, but we’re stuck with him unless he does something horrendous because of our custody agreement.

This morning was hands down one of the worse mornings I’ve had in a long time but I wouldn’t trade the time I spent with Max for anything in the world. It was so wonderful it was surreal. I still can’t believe he wants to see me again. It’s crazy. He’s hot, built, and loaded. Not to mention he’s good with kids, which just trumps the rest. It’s enough to make anyone’s ovaries explode.

Mine definitely feel like they’ve awoken from a long hibernation.

A guy like him could have any hot ring girl he wanted, and I know from seeing it firsthand. I’ve been to Night of Fights, I’ve watched Mandy walk with the other girls, and I’ve partied with them.

I’ve got nothing on those girls.

They’re tall and beautiful, with big breasts and tiny flat stomachs. I’m petite and curvy, and have a few stretch marks across my not-so-flat stomach. Yet, there’s definitely interest there on his part, I know it. Before he dropped Hope and me off, he set me up as a contact in his phone and vice versa.

It’s been so long since a guy was interested in me I don’t even know how to deal with it. I feel so excited and nervous it’s silly. It’s almost like being in high school again.

I dial up my best friend, Mandy, before I head out the door for work, but the phone just rings and rings without an answer. Seriously needing someone to talk to, I dial her again. Since she came back from California, it’s not like her to go so long without talking to me.

This time when I get to voicemail I leave a message telling her to, “Call me, it’s urgent!”

When I get to Thursdays the place is packed. Dinner rush on a weekend keeps me from reliving this morning all over again in my head. I’m so busy, by the time the rush dies down I’m ready to collapse.

All I want to do is finish the last couple of hours of my shift and hit my bed.

But when DeeDee tells me there’s a guy that asked for my section specifically, I know it’s Max. Seeing him there, really there, unable to wait until our date tomorrow gives me the second wind I needed.

Max hangs around another hour or so before leaving. I almost wish he would have stuck around until my shift ended but it’s probably best he didn’t. Keeping my hands off of him while I was working was trying, to say the least. If he would have met me outside after I clocked out?

Yeah, I would have jumped him in the parking lot and had my way with him.

Exhausted, I head straight home from work and pull off my work clothes before falling into bed. I may be too tired to bother with pajamas but I’m just awake enough to fall asleep thinking about him.

When I wake up in the morning I had such lovely, steamy dreams all I want to do is stay in bed.

Hope is poking me in the side though, whining, “Mommy, I’m hungry. I want pancakes again.”

Pancakes, mmm. I groan and roll over.

Hope pokes me in my back.

“Mommy, wake up. I want pancakes, like the ones we had with Bear.”

Bear, mmm.


“Okay, okay,” I grumble. “I’m getting up.”

Dragging my butt out of bed, I head straight for the kitchen and cook Hope up some pancakes and bacon for Sunday breakfast. My parents wake up, joining us at the table and I whip up another batch for them before finally making it to the bathroom.

One look in the mirror and I’m scared silly by my reflection. That is so not going to work for tonight. I’m going to have to do some heavy duty primping.

“Grace? Are you okay, honey?” My mom calls out. She must have heard my startled squeak.

Laughing, I poke my head out the door. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a little scare.”

My mom gives me a confused frown. “Oh, okay, honey.”

Sometimes looking at her is like looking in a mirror that shows twenty years in the future. Hope may get her looks from me, but I got them from my mom. In fact, my mom looks so good for her age sometimes when she’s out with Hope without me people mistake her for Hope’s mother.