“When?” I ask nervously, hoping he’s changed his mind and doesn’t mean immediately.

“Now. I feel like a fool. I need to see you, to have you in my arms…”

I can’t do it. I just can’t. I don’t want to meet him looking like this. I need a shower, a few hours of sleep, and a thick coat or two of makeup. I’m a mess and so not a hot one.

I want him, desperately. It almost kills me to turn him away, but I can’t risk frightening him off. I can’t risk losing him again.

“I can’t…”

I can almost feel his disappointment as he sighs. Instantly I feel guilty.

“Tomorrow?” he asks, hopeful.

I respond with an enthusiastic, “Yes.”

He chuckles. The deep rumble has my heart skipping a beat.

“How about my place?”

I enthusiastically respond again without really thinking, “Yes.”

Maybe that was a mistake. I would prefer to meet in public then maybe head back to his place for coffee. But what if I offend him by asking for somewhere else?

“I’ll text you my address.”


My phone vibrates. I pull it away from my ear and sure enough he’s sent me his address. Wow, he lives in the nice part of town. I’m not sure the bus even runs there.

“How about 5:30. And if you’re late, I won’t hold it against you?”

Am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep on the bus? I punch myself, it hurts. Yep, I’m definitely awake.

“Sounds good.”

If he stands me up this time, well, now I’ll know where he lives. I’ll send him a letter full of glitter in vengeance. The small kind of glitter that sticks around for years, the kind you find stuck in your creases months later.

“You sound tired. Get some sleep. You’re going to need your energy tomorrow.”

He chuckles again. Just the implication that he hints at gives me a surge of nervous energy.

I’m exhausted, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. I’m going to toss all night thinking about him.

I need to start getting ready, though, immediately. There are places to shave and nails to be done. If I start now, I just might be ready in time for our date.

“Good night, beautiful, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, AJ. Sweet dreams.”

Chapter Five

My alarm goes off an hour early. I’m drooling, my pillow is soaked. Yuck. I must have slept deeply.

Wiping the slobber off my face, I sit up in bed. Today is another new day. Anything can happen. Bring it.

I reach over to my nightstand and unplug my phone. It’s fully charged and there’s a text from AJ.

AJ: Good morning, beautiful.