Why did you stand me up? Why did you betray me? Why did you make me have feelings?

“I freaked out.”

“You freaked out?” I’m incredulous.

There’s another moment of silence.

“Yes.” He takes a deep breath. So far he sounds sincere. Then he says, “I was afraid you wouldn’t like me.”


How could I not like him? He’s beautiful. He’s perfect. He has everything going for him. I was afraid he wouldn’t like me. I’m not the prettiest or the skinniest. I was the one who was freaked out, but I still showed up.

“I waited for two hours.”

It was humiliating. The look of pity in the waitress’ eyes when she had to ask me to leave…

“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

Well, that took the breath right out of me.

“You are the woman of my dreams. My ultimate fantasy.” His voice grows deeper, huskier as he continues. It does funny, flippy things to my tummy. “I have never wanted someone, anyone the way I want you. It scares the shit out of me.”

I was so not expecting that. I don’t know what to say. I try to find words to speak. Words fail me.

He goes on, “Hailey, one more chance. I was a dick. I stood you up and you don’t deserve that. I want to punch myself in the face for doing it. I’m begging you, please.”

“You don’t have to beg,” I say softly.

Maybe I’m a sucker but right now I’d bet my life he’s being honest with me.

I could relate. I had been freaked out about meeting him. Freaked out about him being too good to be true. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I want him so bad it’s no longer a want, it’s becoming a need.

I can understand being scared shitless about all of it. I can forgive him, this once.

“God, I love you,” he says, sounding relieved. “Where are you?”

“Home, on my couch,” I answer without giving it much thought.

“Can I come over?”

“What? Now?”

“Yes, to make it up to you.”

“How are you going to make it up to me?”

He chuckles again. I don’t know what it is about that deep laugh but I’m quivering in places I don’t normally quiver.

“How do you want me to make it up to you?”

I laugh nervously. Whoa. I know what he’s implying, but I’m not that great at flirting. I haven’t had much practice.

He gets the hint, I think and backs off. There’s another moment of silence. It feels so good to talk to him again. To feel as if I’m not alone in the world. Someone cares about me.

“I want to see you.”