He laughs, “Tonight, Hailey, before you leave.”

He turns and still I can’t speak. I should stick up for myself. I should tell him where he can shove these files, but I’ve trained myself well not to snap at him.

I’ll just have to do them. I’ll file as fast as I can. I’ll run a little late, but I’ll call AJ. Let him know I’m stuck at work and not standing him up. It’s not the first impression I want to make but given the circumstances I just have to hope he won’t hold it against me.

Just when I think Andrew is gone, he stops at the door and glances over his shoulder at me. “Besides,” he has to get one last barb in, “It’s not like you have a date or something.”

But I do have a date!

He laughs that villainous cackle of his and inwardly I’m cursing him. Fuck you, I yell in my head. And fuck your nice ass, I add as I watch him walk away.

I spin back to my desk and grab my phone. I shoot off a quick text to AJ.

Me: Hey, sorry I’m stuck at work and running a little bit late.

I look down at my lap, at the mess I have to deal with and decide I better give him a call too.

The line rings and rings then I get a generic computerized voice instructing me on how to leave a message.

“Hey, AJ, it’s me, Hailey. I just sent you a text. I’m stuck at work and running a few minutes late, but I’m on my way. Call me back.”

Knowing I wouldn’t have time to run home and change for our date today, I chose to wear a simple black pocketless dress to work. Instead of lugging my purse with me to the file cabinets, I decide to slip my phone into my bra. That way if AJ calls I won’t miss it.

I file my ass off. What should take fifteen minutes takes me ten. The entire time I expect my phone to ring, vibrate, or buzz, but it remains coldly silent.

A sense of foreboding settles over me. It’s not like AJ to not text me back. Even if he can’t talk on the phone, usually he sends me a quick word or two to let me know he’ll hit me back.

As I rush out the door and hail a cab, I try not to think too hard about it and worry instead about getting to the restaurant as fast as I can.

Chapter Two

It’s 5:45 when I arrive at Angilos. I’m fifteen minutes late. Shit.

The restaurant is small and cozy, squeezed between two high-end boutiques. I usually don’t come to this part of town, but it looks nice. The streets are clean, there are trees lining the sidewalks, and all the people I’ve seen so far are well dressed.

There’s patio seating out front, but all the tables are empty. He’s probably inside, I ensure myself. I take a moment to straighten my skirt and then hurry through the front entrance.

Inside the atmosphere is warm and more intimate. Lighting comes from domed chandeliers and the small tables are covered in white linen table cloths. I smell basil, warm bread, and garlic. Maybe I could manage to stomach a bite or two after all.

I scan each table, there are only a couple of other couples. It is still a bit early for dinner.

My heart drops. He’s not here. Unless he’s in the bathroom.

There’s a pretty young hostess standing at a podium, waiting to greet me. I look down at my phone and send AJ another text.

Me: Hey, I’m here. I don’t see you. Do we have a reservation?

“Hello, miss. Do you have a reservation?”

I peek up from my phone and smile at the hostess politely while shaking my head. I then look around the restaurant, again, hoping I missed him the first time. Still, I don’t see him. But maybe there’s another seating area?

I wait for AJ to get back to me. Two minutes tick by and none of the messages I’ve sent him are even marked as read. Something is wrong, I just know it.

I was worried about running late and making a bad impression, I didn’t even consider he would stand me up. But it’s seriously looking like he has.

The hostess has been doing that polite ignoring me thing. Out of the corner of my eyes I’ve seen her shuffle and reshuffle the menus.

“Hi,” I say, tentatively as I approach the podium to get her attention. “I’m supposed to be meeting someone, but he’s not here yet.”