Chase nods, “Seriously,” and shuts my door.

I buckle up. Chase pulls open the driver’s door then curses as he tries to squeeze in. “What the fuck? Did a munchkin drive my car?”

Chapter Sixteen


We pull into my driveway and I look over at Avery and Sebastian. They are both sitting next to me, staring at my house. I want it to be our home instead of my house. I want to share it with them already, and it’s odd to have that feeling so quickly for me but I know it’s right, and I am going to go with my head and my heart here.

Sebastian lets out a quiet meow as Avery shifts him somewhat to give him a better look out the window. “What do you think Sebastian? Think this can work for the night?” she asks.

I slow down for a quick stop to let him see the front of the house before I pull us into the garage.

Yes, and for much longer, I think to myself and smile at the two of them. A pure black cat and a beautiful raven-haired goddess. Fuck, I am getting far too mushy right now. I need to get them inside and settled before I make an ass of myself.

“Ready to go in?” I ask as I put my hand on the door handle.

“Yes,” Avery says softly before wrapping a tight arm around Sebastian and opening her door.

We walk in through the garage. As I push the

button to shut the door, I still can't fucking quit smiling.

Sebastian does a quick tour of the house before finding us snuggled on the couch, watching the news. He meows once and then plops himself down on the arm.

“I think he likes it here," I say, tightening my arms around her.

“Yeah, I think so too,” she says and I can’t tell if she wants to smile or frown.

My hand slowly slides down from around her shoulder until it’s right above her breast. I turn my head and take in a deep breath of her hair. Her hair smells really good. She has some kind of natural scent to her that keeps my hormones in an active state of overdrive. Right now, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of her scent. It’s fucking intoxicating.

“Mmm, you smell like the gym,” I say quietly, trying hard not to smile.

She pulls away and grabs a chuck of her hair. She lifts the chunk of hair to her nose and smells it.

“No, I don't,” she says in confusion.

Leaning my head down, I sniff the shoulder of her shirt. Scrunching up my nose, I frown. “This shirt smells really bad, too.” I smile as I start to lift the shirt over her stomach.

Turning her head to the side, she sniffs right where I just sniffed. I have the shirt above her bra as she exclaims, “I don't smell anything at all!”

“I bet your pants smell horrible too. And your bra and panties. I bet everything you’re wearing stinks.”

Her confusion is turning to hurt as she looks at me.

“But I just put these clothes on...” I have the shirt under her chin.

“Woof, you need a good shower too.” I say as I start to grin.

Then the confusion disappears and she growls at me. Her hands tug down her shirt. “You are just trying to get me naked, you big meanie! I smell fine!”

Raising my hands in the air defensively, I say, “Hey, I just wanted to help wash your back.”

She shakes her head and stares at the TV while crossing her legs one over the other. “No way, you said I smell bad.”

Sometimes I really do like being as big as I am. I mean I can do all sorts of things to people who are much smaller and more delicate than me. Like what I do when I stand up.

I lean down, swooping Avery up and into my arms and carry her towards the stairs. She yelps loudly as I switch from a threshold carry and toss her over my shoulder. I give her delicious ass cheeks a light slap and start climbing the stairs.