“What's up, beautiful?”

“Am I?” she asks very quietly.

“Yes Avery, I promise you. If you knew what I thought about you... you might run.”

“Would you want to tell me over a drink?”

“I'll be there in twenty minutes,” I say and hang up not giving her time to change her mind.

Grabbing the Impala keys, I dart out the door.

I make it there in fifteen minutes. I know it may show how eager I am but I don't feel like playing any bullshit games. If I seem eager it’s because I am.

Something my dad said before I left replays in my head. The hottest flames can burn out the fastest, don't forget to take time to get to know her. He's right of course, I think as she opens the door and I lean down to kiss those amazingly soft lips while she molds herself to me.

I step back and smile. “Well, hello there.”

“Hello, yourself.” She turns to the door and locks up behind her. I take her hand as we walk down the stairs and lead her out to the car, opening the door for her.

We don't say much on the drive over, but I can't help but look down at where our hands are still connected. I like this girl and Dad is right, I need to get to know her.

At a local tavern I know of, we sit in our out of the way booth and wait for the server.

“So what will you guys be drinking?” the guy asks us over the low murmur of people ordering food and talking.

Thankfully there is no music being played in the background. I want to hear what she has to talk about and not have to shout out how absolutely beautiful she is. I don't mind proclaiming that to the world, but it seems kinda like a bit of a pickup line if I am yelling it.

“I'll have a hard cider,” she says then looks to me.

“Virgin rum and diet coke,” I say with a grin to the server. He rolls his eyes and I think Avery does as well.

He leaves us shortly after making sure we don't want anything to eat.

“Why a diet coke?”

“I don't drink often, especially when I am driving, and I am in training again.”

“Ha, I thought you were just being a pussy,” she giggles out before taking my hand across the table and holding it.

“Hah!” I burst out laughing. “Yeah, probably.” I hold her hand and smile. “So how was your day?”

Her giggling stops short as she sighs to herself. “School was okay. Ethan called right as I got out of class. He was waiting at school to talk to me.”

I grunt, the little fucker has had a very busy day.

“What?” she asks as she notices me tense up just a bit.

Shaking my head, I frown. “You go first and then I will.”

“Well, he started with apologizing. He is going to anger management classes. I'm not really sure what to think. I was prepared to push him completely away from me. I might forgive him for what he did, but I certainly won't forget it.”

She frowns and pauses. Her cheeks darken with color and I get the impression she’s a bit embarrassed or ashamed of what she’s about to admit. “He pulled me off the schedule for a few days. He said he did it so I can rest and recover. I can't just take days off. I mean, I really can't...”

The waiter sets our drinks down. Before his back is even turned she takes a huge gulp from her bottle.

“Can't afford to?” I ask quietly.

Nodding her head, she goes on. “Right, because between school and rent I’m strapped tight.”