Lachlan sat to my left, brooding like the fucker had only been practicing to brood up until this point. Avi and Olivia were next, then Ransom. Hawke held down the end of the table, which was also the seat closest to the door, which he’d angled himself to see. Gabriel and Julian stared at the metal case with something akin to fear, while Benedict sat at Lyric’s other side, completing our council.

“I’ve brought you here because the information I’m about to give you doesn’t leave this room, or circulate beyond the people in it.” I leveled each vampire with a stare.

There was a collective mutter of agreement.

“The Sons of Honor have returned. The nobility knows it. We know it. There’s no hiding the threat of that from them. We are about to enter into a new era of war.”

Lyric squeezed my hand in support.

“Xavier called this evening at rising and told me he’d finally cracked his prisoner. It’s not just the Moorehouse family we need to worry about.”

Lachlan shifted in his seat, his jaw flexing.

“The other twelve families are represented in the Sons, whether by descendants or new initiates. The demons who attacked Avianna were swayed to the cause by the promise of nullifying the Covenant’s borders.”

Avianna swallowed, losing a little of her color. This was never the life I wanted for her. She was supposed to come back during a time of peace, not a time where war beat down our door.

“They’re pissed that the wolves have the nearest Dave & Buster’s?” Ransom asked with an arched eyebrow, leaning forward to brace his elbows on the table. “Or is it the amusement park in the Witch’s territory that had them ready to flip?”

Benedict snorted.

“It’s the borders themselves they wanted annihilated. They want free reign. It’s been a topic of discussion a few times over the last couple hundred years, but never as anything serious.” I leaned back in my chair and stroked my thumb over the back of Lyric’s hand.

“It’s fucking serious now,” Lachlan growled.

Everyone muttered an assent.

“We don’t know much yet,” I admitted. “But we need to gather as much information as we can so we can defeat this threat.”

“What are our assignments?” Benedict asked.

A slow smile spread across my face. These males never backed down from a challenge or ran at the first sign of struggle. They heard the worst and then went to work. And these females? There wasn’t an ounce of fear in any of the eyes in this room.

“Okay. Assignments it is.” I nodded. “Lachlan, we need Valor. She’s our only hope of learning just how deep this whole thing goes.” She’d disappeared in the chaos after I’d been shot, taking the Escalade with her. We’d tracked the car and found it abandoned at the edge of Demon territory, with no sign of Valor.

“We need Valor alive and unharmed.” Lyric lifted her brows at the Scotsman. “I know you’re not a fan—”

“Fan? She’s the actual enemy,” he muttered, folding his arms over his chest and scowling at my mate.

She smiled sweetly back at him. “But she’s my best friend, and when it mattered, she chose our side. She helped you rescue me.”

“She led us into a bloody trap with the Night Thistle,” he spat back.

“Ehhh…he has a point there,” Benedict agreed, tilting his head slightly.

“She told us when it mattered.” Lyric lifted her chin. “I would be dead if she hadn’t come to you. If she hadn’t risked her life to save mine. So again, bring back my best friend alive and unharmed.” Her voice held a tone of authority I’d never heard from my wife before and damn it if it didn’t turn me on.

“Yes, my queen.” Lachlan bowed his head once.

“Thanks!” She grinned “Oh, and start with the coffee shops. My girl has a serious caffeine addiction.”

Lachlan grunted.

I moved to the next pair. “Avi, your job is simple. Stay safe.”

“That’s ridiculous.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her gloved arms. “Lachlan gets go find the most important piece of this puzzle, and I get don’t die?”

Hawke scoffed and shook his head.

“Oh, I’m sorry, does Mr. Dark and Perpetually Angry have a comment?” Heat rose in her cheeks.

“A comment?” He turned that dangerous, narrowed gaze on her, and I prepared myself to interrupt if necessary. “Princess, you’re it. You’re the only heir he has until she,” he motioned toward Lyric, “gives us another one. We’re going to war, not the fucking mall, and if he falls, you’re the only leader the species has. So given that we’ve already had to save your little haughty ass from a demon assassination, I’d say stay safe seems to be a pretty necessary, logical order from your king. Just stick to the ballrooms, pasty-ass noble boys, and your bodyguard. Okay?”

Avi’s mouth snapped shut audibly and she jerked her attention back to me.