He smiled, tilting his head. “You should be proud,” he said. “I am beyond proud of you. And you’re always…handy,” he said. “You don’t ever need to doubt your worth in my court.”

I nodded. “I know I have worth as your mate, Alek. As your queen. But I want to bring more to the table.” I blew out a breath. “I was speaking with Julian the other day, sharing research as we talked about whatever was on that bullet to keep Lachlan unconscious for so long—”

A low growl cut off my words. Maybe it was the wrong time to bring up the attack, seeing as I was trying to convince him to lessen his control, but I’d never keep anything from him. I raised my brows at him, silently asking him if I could continue. He gave a slow, firm nod.

“Anyway, I was the one who brought it up. I can’t remember which text it is, but I’d come across something in my studies of ancient secret societies who used to experiment with plants and tonics for heinous purposes—whether that be to increase their own physical strength or weaken others. Mainly it was tested against humans, naturally, but some of the effects seemed similar to what Lachlan endured.” I sighed, hating that I’d dismissed the information as just another power-quirk of the group. “Julian was trying to help me track the text down. We’re close. And if I can use my knowledge to help find it, maybe we can find the group, or a similar one copying it, who is carrying out all the attacks.”

Alek visibly swallowed, then took one tentative step toward me.

When I didn’t tell him to stop, he took another one and another until he stood right before me. He sank to his knees, taking my hands in his, and the sight of him there made my entire body tremble. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he said, his voice so much softer than usual. “But I’ll spend the rest of eternity ensuring the fates know how much I’m grateful for being paired with a mate I’m not even close to worthy of.”

Tears filled the backs of my eyes, but I shook my head and bent until we were face to face. I took his in my hands and held his gaze. “Not above,” I said, shaking my head. “Equal. You. Me. Always.” Not that I truly believed I was his equal, but I knew he’d argue if I told him how amazing he was.

He pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes as he loosed a long breath. “Ransom will be your guard tonight,” he said, and I smiled, bouncing against him as I stood to my full height. He quickly followed, still holding my hands. “Lachlan and Benedict are with me tonight, and Hawke will stay with Avi.”

“But Olivia,” I said, tilting my head. Avi’s bodyguard definitely appeared soft spoken and sweet, but I could see it in her eyes. She had the same ferocious tenacity as any of the Assassins. The sweetness was likely another weapon to throw off her opponents. “Do you think the threat is bad enough that she needs more protection?”

Alek sighed. “I’m not taking any more chances,” he said. “I know you’re stronger as a vampire, Lyric,” he said. “But you’re not trained. Yet. And Ransom is the finest combat general I’ve ever seen in all my centuries. His predictive senses are lethal. If anyone can detect an attack before it happens, it’ll be him.”

I clapped my hands together before throwing my arms around his neck. “Wait,” I said, dropping to my feet. “I get to train?” Anticipation flooded my veins—the idea of being an asset beyond my research abilities fueled the fire in my blood.

“Get to?” He titled his head. “Lyric, the choice is always yours. I won’t force you, but I’d breathe easier if you knew how to defend yourself. Do you not want to?”

I let the fire show in my eyes. “Unknown enemies are attacking our family, our home,” I said, and his eyes guttered. “Hell yes, I want to train.” A cold slice of terror shot through the fire in my blood.

“You don’t have to fear them,” Alek said, smelling the shift in me. “I will find them and kill them—”

“It’s not them,” I cut him off.

“Then what is it?”

I pressed my lips together. “Do I have to train with Hawke?” I knew the assassin would never harm me, but there was something about the brutal edge in his eyes that told my every instinct to fear him. To never take for granted that he was on our side.

Alek let out a rough laugh, smoothing my hair back. “You’ll train with me. But, when the time comes that you want to test my enforcer, I will be more than pleased to watch you kick his ass all over the estate.”