His eyes flickered and churned, near glowing in the moonlight.

Then his fangs descended, and I whimpered at the sight of them.



“You only feed from me.”

At Lyric’s demand to feed, the roar of hunger in my veins was second only to the driving need to fuck her while I did it.

I cradled the back of her head and lowered my mouth to her neck, but instead of sinking deep into her vein, I skimmed my fangs over her delicate, pounding pulse, then kissed her soft skin. “I’d kill you.”

Her fingers speared into my hair. “You didn’t last time.”

The memory made my fangs throb.

“That’s not what I mean.” I kissed her jaw, then the area just beneath her ear. “It’s been a week.” The longest week of my life, actually.

“I know. I’ve been counting the days.” She sighed as my lips toyed with the shell of her ear.

“You’re not fully recovered—”

“I am,” she countered.

“—And I nearly killed you last time.” The thought locked my resolve in place. Her safety was my first concern. Always. I leaned my forehead against hers, breathing her in, then drew back slightly so I could see those incredible eyes.

“But you didn’t. Wait…” Hurt flashed over her face, and my stomach twisted. “Am I not…good? Has Cassandra fed you before? Can vampires do that? Is she…” Lyric shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. “I cannot believe I’m asking if someone’s blood tastes better than mine. What the hell are you doing to me?”

“Lyric.” I braced my palm on the wall beside her head and gripped the sultry curve of her waist. This dress was going to be the death of me. “I have never fed from Cassandra.”

Her gaze flashed to mine.

“Yes, vampire blood is…” I searched for the words that wouldn’t piss her off. “…stronger than human blood, and while I can’t speak for other mates, my father always took enough from his own feedings to make sure he could sustain my mother.” The corner of my mouth lifted in a smirk. “Mated males can be a little…possessive.”

“Don’t underestimate the females.” She fisted the lapels of my jacket. “Your mother let him feed from other people?”

“It’s not always sexual,” I insisted, though my cock was in a thorough state of disagreement.

She scoffed.

I leaned into her so she could feel exactly how much I wanted her. “Do humans get a certain…pleasure out of it? Absolutely. How do you think we get them to agree? And I can block any sexual feelings the human might have so they only feel the high.”

“I felt you,” she whispered, her hands stroking down my chest. “You were hard for me.”

“I’m hard for you the second I catch your scent or hear your voice. Does feeding intensify it? Fuck, yes. And the way you taste?” I groaned, rocking my hips into hers. “There is nothing better in the world. I would be at your throat every minute of every day if it wouldn’t drain you dry.” I ran my tongue over my lower lip, forcing myself to remember how pale she’d been and how my reckless actions had put her in danger. “Do you know what this means?” I lifted her wrist and stroked my thumb over the mark that branded her mine.

She shivered, her lips parting. “It means I’m your mate. Not that you filled me in. Avianna did.” There was a sharp bite of accusation in her tone. I needed to do better about giving her information.

“In our world, it means you’re mine.” That wasn't even the half of it, but I wasn't sure she was ready to hear the rest. “It means you come first. Your safety, your needs, your health. Because this mark signifies that I'm incomplete without you.” She placed her hand over my heart, over the identical brand inked into my skin.

“Then why do you stay away?” Her body undulated against mine, and her scent flared with the sweet, mouthwatering flavor of arousal. "Why am I sleeping alone in your bedroom? If you need me, why do I only see you at dinner?"

“Because I'm afraid I can't control myself around you." The admission was low, true, and only made her eyes spark even more.

"So don't." She tilted her face toward mine, rising so I could feel the sweet puffs of her breath on my lips, but she didn't close the distance. "I feel like something's missing when you're not around. Please, Alek. I know you won't hurt me. I trust you. I need you."

The air between us crackled with electricity. She was my mate, and I'd meant everything I said. Her needs came first. She needed me, she got me. It was that simple.

I took her mouth in a consuming kiss, sinking my tongue inside her with a groan. She tasted just as sweet as I remembered, fantasized about during the day hours in the room beside my own. I didn't trust myself not to take her, especially when all I wanted was to bury my body inside hers like my instincts demanded.