I nodded. “He said there were nobles here.”

“For the equinox dinner in a couple weeks, as well as my return.” She rolled her eyes and continued to pull out…dresses. Immaculate dresses, the craftsmanship unlike any I had ever seen.

“Where have you been?”

“As the royal princess and only female of my line, I was destined to study with my aunt in Tibet. Learn from the ancients who protect our more delicate and rare histories there.” She gave a shrug like she hadn’t just expanded this supernatural world across the globe. “I needed training, protection, and study before being allowed to reside in my own home. How fucked is that?”

I blinked at her switch from ancient to modern tone. “Totally fucked,” I agreed.

She sighed. “But, I can’t truly complain,” she said. “My aunt is phenomenal. And I loved it there. There was such peacefulness surrounding the temples. I’m happy to be where I belong now, though. I missed my brother.” She quickly glanced at me, a red gown poised between her fingers. “If you ever tell him that, I’ll turn your blood into a cocktail.”

My lips parted on a gasp, but she quickly laughed and waved me off.

“I’m joking, obviously.” She shook her head. “My brother has already threatened to eviscerate anyone who even thinks of touching you.”

Warmth flushed my skin, and I rubbed at the spot on my wrist that wouldn’t stop tingling. I was beginning to think I was allergic to something in this dark palace. Avianna’s eyes dropped to where I fingered the spot, and I quickly stopped. “Could he do that?” I asked, and she tilted her head. “Eviscerate someone?”

Avianna pursed her lips, a gleam in her eyes. “I don’t know that he’s ever tried, but with his powers?” She gazed at me, her glance turning serious in the span of a blink. “I wouldn’t put anything past his abilities. Especially if someone dared to provoke him.”

“Who in their right mind would provoke someone like him?”

“There are always plots to steal the throne,” she said, unloading a smaller box of high heels. “But anyone who attempts to harm me or my brother will have the entire power of the Assassins to deal with.”

I swallowed hard. I’d only met a couple of Alek’s assassin companions, but they were beyond terrifying. Not that he’d told me they were actually assassins. That had been Avianna. And Alek? The King? More powerful than any of them?

I shivered at the thought.

“Though, if Alek keeps refusing to feed, he’ll lose that edge he has over every other supernatural.”

My head snapped up, my eyes widening. Ice slid into my veins at the thought of Alek being weak enough to be harmed. Cold rage pulsed in the center of my chest, my mind magnifying his whereabouts without me seeking him out. As if I could run to him, help him.

He’s not in danger.

I silently reassured myself, then clenched my eyes shut against the onslaught. Why did I care so damn much? If he was weakened, perhaps then I could escape this place.

The thought curled my stomach. I’d only been here a few days, but already I felt more centered than I ever had. Could be in part to the priceless library I had full access to, the books which would help seal my years of hard work toward my doctorate. Could be because I felt at ease among the dark creatures I should run from. Could be because of the undeniable connection that pulsed in the center of my soul. Either way, I was exhausted from constantly fighting myself on what I should or should not be doing.

“Why?” I finally asked, not exactly sure which plaguing question I was voicing out loud. “Why isn’t he feeding?”

Avianna settled a mass of blue and white fabric along the bed before turning to me. She parted those red lips a few times as if she were battling for the proper answer. “Alek has the innate ability to keep things locked up inside him. I’m not sure even his assassins understand what is going on with him right now. But after that fight...” Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. The fight where he’d come for me, saved my life by giving me his blood. But why wasn’t he replenishing himself? Especially when there was an entire community of willing humans dying for the opportunity?

A flare of jealousy flickered in my blood, but I shoved it away.

Avianna’s features shifted from concern to excitement as she hauled the blue and white gown off the bed. “This is the one for you,” she said, holding it toward me.

“Oh, Avianna, I can’t—”

“Alek loves blue,” she cut me off, practically shoving the massive amount of silk and tulle and beading toward me. “Trust me.”

I held the gown carefully as if it would crumble with too rough a touch. “How old is this?”