She comes forward and touches the amulet. “You look beautiful, but how strange that I cannot imagine you without it now. It is as if it has always been a part of you.”

“That’s a strange thing to say,” I murmur.

“I know. Autumn, do you sometimes feel as if you are at the very edge of something? One more step and everything will change forever.”

I shiver. “Don’t. You’re scaring me.”

She laughs. At that moment, she looks undefeatable. Nothing can stop her. “I’m not scared. I welcome it, whatever it is.”

I grasp her hand. “Let’s go. Let’s go meet this hero of yours.”

Chapter 37


I stand up and clap furiously as Sam goes to receive her prize. She looks so happy. In my heart, I wish this will be the start of something special for her, that amongst these sophisticated, well-connected people will be someone who will offer her the job of a lifetime when she finishes her education.

When the prizes have been given out, we move towards the dance floor. We are both flushed with champagne and happiness. Once or twice my mind wanders to Rocco, but I push the thought away. I will see him on Monday. And that will be the day he will tell me his secret and I will decide if I walk away or stay with him, though it’s getting real hard to imagine doing the latter.

“Oh, my God, Autumn! There he is.”

I turn to see a nondescript man with greying hair and thick glasses. Even from where we are I can see dandruff on the shoulders of his ill-fitting suit.

“Come on, let’s go say hello,” she says, as she drags me towards him.

“Hello, Professor Chernyshevsky,” Sam gushes.

I didn’t realize what a complete total nerd Sam was until this moment. I try not to show my amusement.

He peers at her through his thick glasses. “Ah, Miss Samantha Collins. Congratulations on winning the competition.”

“Thank you, Professor. This is my best friend Autumn.”

He turns to look at me as if he cannot understand why I was there.

“Hello, Prof,” I mutter. The simple fact is I have as much interest in him as he has in me. I flash a smile. “I’m going to get a drink. In the meantime, both of you can talk shop.”

Sam frowns. “You don’t have to leave.”

I frown back meaningfully. “I want to leave. Catch you later.”

She nods. “Okay. Catch you later. But come back if you get bored.”

I just about stop myself from shaking my head incredulously at her. How could anything be more boring than what she and the Professor are about to discuss?

I wander off towards the bar. As I climb onto the stool, a man takes the stool next to mine.

“Hey,” he says.

He has dark hair, gray eyes, and pale skin. He is actually extremely handsome, like one of those models you see on GQ magazine, but something about him makes the hackles on my neck stand. Ignoring him, I ask the barman for a glass of champagne.

“I’m not coming on to you. I’m the organizer of this event. I’m Daniel Dupress,” he says.

I turn towards him. His eyes are sly. In my peripheral vision, I can see my order has arrived. I pick up the glass and take a sip. I do not trust him. I wonder what he wants with me. “You did a great job.”

“That’s a beautiful locket,” he says softly.

I feel my body tense. “Thanks.”

He smiles, a charming, totally attractive smile. No doubt it has melted the hearts of many a girl. “I hope you don’t think I’m being rude, but where did you get it from?”

I don’t know why, but I don’t want to tell him about Zelena. A lie forms in my throat and flows out of my mouth. “I bought it at a flea market.”

His eyes flash. He knows I’m lying. “A flea market? It looks very valuable.”

The lies continue pouring out of my mouth. “I didn’t pay much for it so I don’t think it’s very valuable. I just liked the design.”

“I happen to believe it might be very, very valuable. May I touch it?”

Every cell in my body recoils with revulsion, but another part of my brain wants to know more about the amulet. I grasp the chain above the amulet and hold it a few inches away from my skin. The way his eyes fix on the amulet is shocking. There is greed, there is awe, and there is something else… fear. His top lip quivers in an animal-like way as he reaches out an elegant, perfectly manicured hand. I watch with fascination as his eyes glitter with intense desire the closer his hand gets to Zelena’s talisman. As his hand is about two inches away, his eyes suddenly widen and bulge, and his face contorts as if in horror. In a flash, he snatches his hand away as if the charm has burnt him.