“And Marcus?” Anger flares in my tone and I have to close my eyes to keep it at bay. When I open them, Evan is across the court, watching me but remaining at a distance. I wave a hand in the air to let him know I’m all right, but he stays where he is, diligently keeping an eye on the surroundings.

I’ll have to tell him something. I’ll think of some excuse. A partial truth maybe. Something happened to a woman I’m seeing. She’s shaken up and I need to get the hell home so I can help her. That’ll do it. Only Evan, though. The entire team doesn’t need to get wind of this.

When one of us is down, all of us pull together. But this? They can’t go digging into this.

Delilah’s inhale is easily heard on my end of the line before she says, “I only think the man who walked me to my car was Marcus because of the note he gave me. The number is untraceable, probably a burner and when they called no one answered. They tried to track it and they got nothing.”

Of course he didn’t answer. There’s no way he wasn’t watching her every move. He knows she told the cops what she suspects. I should feel terror at the realization because Marcus isn’t known for having mercy, but he told me how he felt about her once.

He wouldn’t touch her. He made that clear.

He better fucking not.

“You saw his face?” I question her, my hand forming a white-knuckled fist at my side. He’s a sick fuck and a ruthless murderer. It doesn’t make sense that I’m this calm. That I can hold back this much of what I’m feeling. Except for one little truth. One small detail I’ve never told anyone.

“Only his eyes. Caucasian male with blue eyes.”

No one’s ever seen his face but me; and back then, it was only a glimpse. The details of who Marcus is choke me as I force my body to relax in my seat. It’s only to put Evan at ease. What is reflected on the outside is nothing at all like the turmoil that rages inside of me.

“Is someone with you?” I ask her, praying the security team had enough sense to take this seriously. If everything she’s told me is true, all they have is a note from a man who said he was Marcus. On paper it’s not a threat, but in reality, she should be terrified.

“They put four men on me and they have two teams on the case. One for the note and one for Marcus.”

I can only nod, words refusing to slip through my tight throat. She says his name so easily. Marcus. If only she knew.

Biting back a bitter taste, I tell her I’m sorry again and that I’m coming home. “You’ll stay with me.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m having security—”

“You will go to my place and stay there until I’m home. Your apartment’s not safe until you get a security system. I’ll do the installation myself.” There’s no margin for negotiation in my tone and as I lean forward, my jaw clenched and lungs still, I know that’s not the tone Delilah typically appreciates. Her silence at the demand confirms my suspicions.

“Do it for me,” I plead with her, lowering my voice as I do. “You don’t have a security system, you’re in an apartment with neighbors everywhere. My place is on its own; there’s no risk and I spent a fortune on the security system.” The reasons line up in my head. It’s a mistake for her to stay in that building. Marcus could be just one floor up and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. “Please,” I add for good measure.

“Text me your address.” Her tone is reluctant.

“The security code is eight seven four three. Got it?” I ask her and rub the back of my neck.

“I got it. When will you be home?”

“We’re driving back now. Just twelve hours to go. I promise I’ll be there soon.”

There’s a shift between us. It’s been happening for weeks now. It’s easy to deny what’s between us when we both go along with it. But there’s no question that she means something to me and that I mean something to her.

What that is… we don’t have the time to delve into it right now. I just want to feel her, to hold her and know she’s safe.

“I’ll protect you. I promise.”

We end the call as if nothing’s changed between us, but I know it has.

I’ll see you soon doesn’t capture the meaning of what I want to tell her.

With the call over, I watch Evan motion to someone outside. The guys are ready to go. Irritation consumes me. I need a fucking moment to figure out all this shit and get a grip. Years of history come back to me. The details of a man I said goodbye to and thought I’d never hear from again.