“Of course,” I reply without hesitation. “Always for you.”

He smiles, his gaze roaming over my face in a loving way. If my brother Jesse ever grew to be a man, I imagine he’d be like Jude. Protective and caring and gentle, but fierce as fuck if anyone tries to mess with me.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Jude assures me. “Mercy. Laurent. Loey. Those mad twins. Some things just take time.”

“Like Mikey?” I tease.

Jude grumbles. He had a helluva time getting Mikey on board after we “recruited” him by force. James has got stuck with the task of having to retrieve him a few times once he escaped.

“Mikey doesn’t understand his purpose yet, but he will. It’s a long game, yes, but one I’m willing to play.” Jude steeples his fingers, his eyes glinting. “I’m not worried about Mikey. I am, however, worried about something.”

“If you’re worried, I’m worried. How do we fix it?” I ask.

He sighs in relief. “You know you’re one of the few people I can trust.”

“Because we’re family,” I say, a soft smile on my lips.

His features grow gentle. “Yes, family. Which is why I need someone not only trustworthy, but capable to help me.” He lets out a frustrated sigh. “There’s been buzz about a demon headed here. A powerful one. She could be trouble.”

“You’re bigger trouble for any demon,” I remind him. It’s the truth. Jude taught me everything I know and can do it ten times better. He’s a beast where it counts, and in his profession, it counts on all levels of his job.

“If it’s a trap, I can’t leave E.V.I.E. exposed like that. You know the less I get out there and handle problems, the better. All it takes is an ambush, then everything we’ve created here at E.V.I.E. is at risk.”

“Okay, so you want me to what? Kill it? What kind of demon is she? Will I need to bring a witch with me?” I hate dealing with witches, but we have some allies within the organization who aren’t all difficult. Still, I’d prefer to go at it alone.

“Nah,” Jude grunts. “I want this on the down low. Witches tend to run their mouths and you’re my best secret keeper. Depending on how powerful she is, I could use her for E.V.I.E. related missions.”

“A weapon?” I say, arching a brow.

“It’s best to have weapons of all kinds in our arsenal. As you know, the supe world doesn’t just consist of vampires. Most of the other supes tend to stick to their corners, but every now and again, they like to get in our way. This insures we stay on top and ahead of the game.”

“Always the strategist,” I tell him. “On top and five moves ahead of everyone else.”

“It’s why I have this job and someone like James does not,” he says with a smug grin.

I roll my eyes at him, which makes him chuckle. “Fine, King of Everything, where do I find this demon?”

“The nightclub. I think she’s planning to come through the portal.”

I perk up, eager to check around and ask about Loey while I’m there. “Done.”

We both stand and he comes around to my side of his desk. I get pulled into his arms for a brotherly hug. It’s hard warming up to people and letting them in, but I guess Jude wormed his way in long ago. I take a moment to inhale his scent and let out a content sigh.

“Stay alive for me, kid.”

“Wouldn’t dream of dying while on your payroll. It’d be bad for employee morale.”

He kisses the top of my head and then hands me the file he’s compiled on this demon. “Get out of here. See you and the demon soon.”

His unwavering confidence in me has me straightening my spine, eager to pull off yet another difficult task for him.

The nightclub isn’t as busy tonight, which I’m thankful for. I can stick to the shadows and check out each and every person who walks by. I’d asked around a few regulars if they’d seen Loey, but they hadn’t. With each day that passes, I get sicker about the whole thing.

Before I left Jude’s, I skimmed over the file. The demon’s name is Violet. Purple hair and glowing purple eyes. Hard to miss. So far, no one meets the bill.

“Fucking bitch!” someone yells from the hallway that leads to the bathrooms.

I prowl in that direction, sidestepping drunks left and right. A man is sitting on his ass, staring through an open door that must be a storage room or something. He’s rubbing at his throat, pissed as hell. Based on his overabundance of hair on his hands, I’d say he’s part wolf. Fucking shifters can be such alpha assholes.

“Time to scram, pooch boy,” I tell him as I approach. “You’re in the wrong nightclub if you think you can push around a lady around here.”