Heath Bordeaux doesn’t seem to have a care in the world. My presence is inconsequential to him, not even a blip on his radar. If he can forget my existence, I should be able to do the same. I shove the memory of his cold, unbending cruelty to a place deep in my mind and put a lock on it. As my heart rate evens out, I continue to my chair at Landon’s side, while Elise slides in next to me.

Another month, another beginning at the altar of this unconventional table. Among the first to arrive, we spend the next several minutes watching the members of the Brotherhood enter.

Liam makes my heart tumble in happiness.

Vance and his reserved demeanor make me nervous, since I’ll be his subject next month.

Then Sebastian saunters in and all the activity in the room fades into the background. The sight of him sends a flood of heat to my core. With feigned nonchalance, I cross my legs, pressing my thighs together, and pray my cheeks aren’t as hot as my pussy.

This is ridiculous.

I need him to touch me…to do more than just touch me. It’s the only way I’ll get him out of my system.

Sebastian settles in place two seats down, and I swear he’s smirking in my direction. I don’t have to sneak a peek at him to know it’s true.

I feel it.

His smugness wafting in the air. The weight of that aqua gaze casting shivers down my back. The full shape of his mouth. He’s so beautiful it hurts.

If I meet Sebastian’s eyes, he’ll see too much.

If I glance at Liam, he’ll see it too.

Instead, I survey the rest of the men gathering around the table. Except for Pax, whose mere existence pulses terror through me, the members of the Brotherhood are strangers—just familiar faces whose names I can’t remember.








That’s all I know about the remaining seven men of the Zodiac Brotherhood, save for the monster in the House of Libra.

Servers interrupt my musings by setting the first course in front of me. I’ve just started on the appetizer, a delectable shrimp cocktail, when Landon rises to his feet.

“I have an announcement to make,” he says as his commanding gaze includes every man at the table. “During the last few weeks, the queen’s lady and I have spent a lot of time together. I’ve grown fond of Elise and have asked for her hand in marriage.”

A collective series of shocked questions erupts, prompting Liam to stand. He raises a hand and calls for silence.

“Order, please.” After the group settles down, the chancellor turns his attention on Landon. “You mean to withdraw from the auction?”

“I do. Elise and I want to marry as soon as possible.”

Liam casts a glance my way, and there’s no mistaking the curiosity in his expression. “The queen doesn’t object?”

“No,” Landon answers. “She’s given us her blessing.”

Liam settles back into his seat, but as he rests his chin on his hand, I recognize his suspicion by the downward curve of his kissable mouth. “Is there a reason you’re in such a rush to marry the queen’s lady?”

Landon exchanges a glance with Elise. “Aside from being crazy about her?” He pulls his shoulders back and sends a slow glance around the table, taking in each member with an air of bold determination. “She’s pregnant with my child.”

The reactions are varied, from congratulatory platitudes to ridiculing accusations of impropriety.

Liam raises his hand again, causing the room to go quiet once more. “I see. That is a good reason for haste. Does your father know?”

“I explained the situation. He’s given his approval and will inform the legacy members.”

“I guess there’s only one concern left to discuss,” Liam says. “Do you intend to have physical contact with the queen this month?”

“No. Though I’m certain the queen and I will get to know each other, it will be on a platonic level.”

Liam seems relieved, and I wish I could warn him about the bomb Landon’s about to drop on him.

“If no one has any objections,” Liam begins, “then I don’t see an issue with Landon bowing out of the auction.”

With the exception of two that appear unpleased by Landon’s news, most of the members nod in agreement while a couple wear masks too impenetrable to read, including Sebastian.

Landon clears his throat. “Elise and I plan to visit her home. She would like for me to meet her parents.” Pausing a beat, he takes my lady’s hand in his. “We’ll return in time for the annual Astor Charity Ball.”

“I’m assuming the queen will stay here at the estate?” Liam asks.

“Yes. And that brings me to her gift.” Landon withdraws a key from his pocket and turns to me. “This opens a room I had renovated just for you. You should have plenty to do while we’re gone.” He hands me the gold key, and as my fingers grasp the ornate bow, I’m fascinated by the design—a delicate “A” sitting in the middle of the Gemini symbol.