I sense him on my heels, the heat of his body radiating from where he’s standing behind me, and I tense, caught between needing more space and craving less.

“Since you’ve invaded my house,” he says, voice gruff as his fingers brush the small of my back, “you might as well have a seat.”

Shivers shoot up and down my spine as the image of him sitting astride me, fly undone, careens through my mind. I fold into the nearest chair before my knees give out.

Landon smirks. “I can already see this will work out well.” There’s dry humor in his tone, but underneath that, I detect a hint of amusement.

“I won’t even pretend to know what you’re talking about.” Sebastian drops into the chair next to me. “Do you know what he’s talking about, princess?”

My voice is little more than a mutinous whisper. “No.”

Of course, it’s a lie.

The smile playing on Landon’s lips tells me he’s not buying my denial. “I’m talking about the sexual tension between the two of you. Careful, Sebastian. You’ll knock her up just by looking at her.”

“Do you have a reason for interrupting my work?”

Landon pulls a chair across the room and parks it in front of us. Straddling the seat, he rests his arms on the back while his gaze swings back and forth between Sebastian and me.

“I want you to marry Novalee.”

Sebastian scoffs. “One day in, and you’ve already decided you’re not interested?” He glances at me with malicious heat in his sea-blue eyes. “Try one of her hand jobs. She’s got those down to a science.”

“He’s a complete and utter ass!” I jump to my feet, mutinous voice no longer an issue, and glare at my brother. “And you think this is a good idea? Are you insane?”

“What am I missing?” Sebastian’s hooded gaze takes me in from my toes to the blond hair he loves so much. “Other than the ass comment. She’s got me there.”

“Sit down,” Landon orders, his tone taking on a rare edge of harshness. Reluctantly, I obey, biting my tongue as he continues. “How long have we known each other?” he asks Sebastian.

“As long as I can remember.”

“That’s why I know I can trust you with this.” Clearing his throat, Landon surveys the room—as if someone might be hiding behind one of Sebastian’s artsy dividers separating the humongous space. “This can’t leave the room. Ever.”

Sebastian sits up a little straighter, all traces of his obnoxious personality gone. “You know I’ve got your back.” He darts a suspicious glance at me. “But this sounds serious. How do you know you can trust her?”

“It involves her. I need to ensure she marries a decent guy.”

Sebastian raises a brow. “And that guy isn’t you?”

“It can’t be me.” Landon pauses, three pounding heartbeats sneaking by. “She’s my sister.”

Sebastian doesn’t react at first, and then he laughs. “You’re fucking with me, right?”

“I’m serious.” Landon tells him about the journal, and even about Elise and his promise to marry my lady.

Dead quiet fills the space afterward. Sebastian settles back in his seat, his face marked with stunned contemplation.

“What makes you think I’ll win the auction? As much as my father wants it, we all know it won’t be easy. My pockets aren’t as deep as some in this tower.”

“I’m working on it. All I know is I need it to be you. She’s my family, and you’re the only one I trust to do right by her.”

“You know how I feel about this ridiculous tradition.” Getting to his feet, Sebastian drags a hand through his hair, his mouth a mean line of irritation. “If the Brotherhood ever finds out about this…”

“They won’t.”

Sebastian turns on his friend with a scowl. “You sure about that?”


“What if she opens her mouth?” Sebastian jabs a thumb in my direction.

“Too much is at stake, on both sides. She knows this.”

Sebastian meets my eyes, and the force of his gaze zooms to my core. But his tone is hostile incarnate. “You really want to marry me, princess?”

“Do I have a choice?” I shoot back. “I have to marry someone in this tower.”

“What about the chancellor?” He crosses his arms, a perfect example of a half-naked, paint-spattered man failing to hide his jealousy. “You seem to have a thing for him.”

“No,” Landon interjects.

“It’s what he wants.” Sebastian nods at me. “Hell, it’s what she wants.”

Landon shakes his head. “It’s not going to happen.”

“Does the chancellor know that?”

My brother rises and matches Sebastian’s height, and the two men stand face-to-face, just inches apart. “In time, he will.”

“If I’m going to marry her, don’t you think I should have the full story? Because you’re not being straight with me.”

With a sigh, Landon backs down. “You’re right. But the timing is all wrong. Trust me on this.”

They both look at me, and my attention ping-pongs back and forth. The probing question I’m dying to ask lingers on my tongue, begging to spring off my lips in search of answers. But I know better.