“No, I don’t.”

“What about Sebastian?”

“He has more reason than anyone to despise the curse we all bear.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s his story to tell, Novalee. You’ll have to ask him yourself.”

I mentally scoff, already knowing the likely outcome of that conversation. “Who issued this supposed curse?” I ask, filing away the subject of Sebastian…for now.

“Evangeline Castle. Some believed she was a witch, and this is her everlasting revenge for the wrongful imprisonment by the men in whom she placed her trust. She gave them the world, so to speak, and they repaid her by stealing her freedom.”

“But I have nothing to do with that. Why would she make women go through this, generation after generation?”

“Aside from the fact that you are a descendent of Evangeline Castle, the historical records we have from that time indicate she went mad. You’ve heard the saying misery loves company? She seethed with so much hatred she would have cursed the whole world if she were capable.”

“This is…a lot to take in.” My limbs shake with weakness, and I make my way to the nearest chair and collapse into it.

Landon crouches in front of me, an apology clear in the tense lines of his expression. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wasn’t sure if Liam told you, and the truth is I chickened out.”

I stare at the ocean through the glass, wishing it would sweep me away. “How could you bring me here?”

“It wasn’t my decision. My father…our father did what he thought was best for you.”

“Do you really believe that?” I meet his gaze, brows arched in challenge.

“I don’t have an answer, Novalee. Do I want you to endure this burden? Absolutely not.”

“Then why did you threaten me when I wanted to leave?”

“Because it’s safer for you here.”

“Safer? Explain how.”

“Your uncle isn’t a good man. I’m sure you already know this.”

“Did anyone stop to think I’d rather deal with one bad man than a dozen of them?”

“Not everyone in this tower is out to hurt you. You have allies here. You just don’t know them yet.”

“Is Sebastian an ally?”

“Reluctantly so.”

“Because he doesn’t like me.” The knowledge aches in my throat. “Why doesn’t he like me?”

“He wouldn’t act so hot-headed and infuriating if he didn’t care about you. When Sebastian stops caring, you’ll know it because you’ll cease to exist to him.”

“Then why does he treat me the way he does? His actions aren’t of someone who cares.”

Lust might drive Sebastian Stone when it comes to me, but I have no doubt in my mind it doesn’t go beyond that. The realization sends a scorching needle through the spot in my heart where the lion settled in when I wasn’t paying attention.

Things with Liam were simpler.


Muted in comparison to what I feel when I’m around Sebastian.

Because he sets me on fire with the touch of his fingers. Sets off my temper with his verbal sparring. And when his vulnerability peeks through during those rare times when I feel like I’m seeing him for the first time…

Really seeing him—the emotionally scarred boy battling demons of which I know nothing about…

That’s when he has the most power over me.

Landon takes my hand, and everything about his posture hints at his earnestness. “He cares, Novalee. Just give him some time.”

How ironic. Time is all I have. Nine months, to be exact. But will Sebastian be waiting at the end of the auction for me, or will someone else play to win?

Either way, it feels like a massive loss to me.

Chapter Ten

“I can’t believe you made this in so little time.” Elise gestures at the gown hanging on the rack by the tall windows. A few more alterations and another fitting, and I’ll be ready for the ball.

My dress will be, anyway. Me, on the other hand, I’m not so sure about.

“It wasn’t all me, Elise. I had six people on my production team who worked tirelessly to bring my design to life.”

My lady takes a stroll around the room, eyes wide at what my brother set up for me. This is the first time she’s been in my studio.

“It’s still a huge accomplishment.” She turns to me with a smile—the first one I’ve seen on her face in days. “You deserve it. I’m glad Landon thought so too.”

I’ve been so busy in the studio since Landon told me the truth about the queen’s duty that I haven’t seen him much.

Though Elise admitted to me last night that he let her in on the secret about my paternity. For such a dangerous secret, he’s been busy spreading the word.

First Sebastian, and now my lady.

The latter I trust implicitly. On the former, I hope Landon knows Sebastian as well as he thinks he does.

Because certain men in this tower have shaken my faith in their trustworthiness.

Liam, especially.

After the shock of Landon’s revelation wore off, another cold, hard truth hit me. Liam knew all along about the Brotherhood’s monthly tradition, and he didn’t tell me. I wouldn’t expect someone as heartless and stoic as Mr. Bordeaux to care enough to warn me of such a fate, but Liam…